''Oops, sorry.'' I apologized as I walked in the rock hard chest that just stood before me.
He was just going out of the boathouse and I had just reached for the door and kaboom: collision.

I looked up as his hands stilled and wrapped around my own arms.
''No worries. You didn't kill anybody. Whoops, too soon?''


''Hi, Ivy. Long time no see,'' he paused and looked down before moving his gaze slowly up my neck and face, ''Looking good.'' 
I'd spent most of the night crying and had had a last minute shower but thanks for the lie, I guess.

He let out a smirk and let go of my arms suddenly as if I'd burned him. And just like that, he was gone.

''Wait!'' I called after him and he stopped briefly. ''Are you here for...''
I didn't even need to finish for the smirk that had taken place on his face to disappear and he quickly nodded.
''I'm sorry,'' I started as his air of superiority vanished away. ''I- I wish they'd been something I could have done.''

Once again, no emotion, just a light nod from him and before I could say anything else, he walked away for good.

I stared after him until he turned the corner and entered the diner but kept at a far distance from the counter and Diana, much more because I didn't want to slip into this depressing pre-wake thing ahead of my time than because I was mad at her.

I had already completely forgotten about the argument the other day and understood that with Adam and Cassie always as close as they were, being on edge half of twenty four hour on seven wasn't off the charts for Diana.

Instead of going to Diana, I spotted Faye and Melissa at a booth, Faye sipping on coffee while her friend mostly stared out the window.
Oh my god, Melissa!
I hadn't texted or even called but how could she even be okay?

''Exactly. And now I need to make him regret it.''

''How's it going?'' I stood in front of their booth, interrupting Faye and looking directly at Melissa.

''Not so great, but sounds like a great plan, Faye. Now, I got to go. See you guys.'' Melissa took her bag from the floor and started to leave through the gap between the booth and the table when Faye stopped her abruptly.
''Melissa. I know you miss Nick. We all do. But you can't spend the rest of your life lying on the floor listening to depressing music.''

Melissa scrunched her face, rightfully so, ''It's been two days, Faye.''
Has it?
How come hadn't I gotten out of my room for two whole days?

''Well, are you just going to stand here?'' I looked back down to see Faye holding her coffee mug with her index propped up.

I looked behind to catch a glimpse of Melissa's dark hair just as she left the boathouse.

''It's hard on her.'' I plumped down on Melissa's still warm seat and faced Faye as I waived Adam over.

''It's hard on all of us,'' Faye took a sip of her coffee and put it back down, shrugging on the way.

''She loved him, Faye.''

Faye looked up at me and down again until I was sure she got the point.

''Hey,'' Adam stopped at our table with a cup and a pot of coffee.

''Hey, yes, please.'' He gestured the pot in his hands and back and forth to the mug.
''Anything to eat?''

This question got me to make a face, ''Frankly I don't think I'll be able to stomach anything right now.''

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