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Liam Payne is a bit of a nerd and has been bullied all his life. After switching schools in hopes to start anew, he meets Zayn Malik in his favourite class - world religions. The innocent young lad begins to feel strange and foreign feelings toward Zayn, but pushes them away knowing that they are wrong. He grew up in a house where gay was not even a question that was asked, you were just assumed to be straight. He knows that he is not gay nor bisexual but why was he having these thoughts of him and Zayn?

Liam does not know that Zayn is one of the biggest bullies on campus and is the leader of his own gang, but Zayn does not hurt Liam. Instead, Malik has grown a soft spot for the boy and has fallen in love with him. Yet he is too scared to admit to this, much less confess his sexuality to the school. Zayn is self-conflicted and confused. How was he to tell Liam? And what if Liam didn't feel the same? Much worse, what if Liam wasn't even gay?

Coming soon in 2015...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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