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"Would you rather read something about love or something more... sci-fi?"

Sehun gave a little thought on the question. "Well I like reading sci-fi, but reading them, I don't get the vibe like I do when watching it."

"So basically you prefer love stories?"

He gave a little chuckle. "I guess I do. Weird for a guy, huh?"

Minseok laughed at his response. "Of course it's not weird. I'm a guy, and I'm the one who writes love stories."

He hummed, "Good point." He took a sip of his drink. They were at a coffee shop Minseok recommended a few days back. And of course, Sehun just had to accept Minseok's invitation to join him for a cup or two today.

"Tell me again why did you ask that question?" Sehun asked.

The older shrugged his shoulders. "I was just thinking of changing genres. But I'm not sure to what."

Sehun's eyes widened as he stared at him unbelievably. Just the sheer thought of his books turning something other than romance or drama— it felt weird. He loves the fact that Minseok's books emits so much emotion. He brings his characters to life with words, it was the reason Sehun likes his books so much.

"Why would you do that?" Minseok raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean— Your books are already great like this. In my opinion, there's no need for you to change genres."

"I wish that was the case. But times has changed now. Younger people prefer to read something magical rather than just some boring love stories," he sighed. "My publisher wants me to write something else. I was thinking about adding some magic elements, but I'm still not sure."

"I like your books, and I'm still fairly young, too." He smiled proudly at the older, which made him grin. Cute.

"Thank you, Sehun. I really appreciate that," Minseok took a sip of his coffee. "Hey, the weather outside is really nice."

Sehun peeked out of the window. Indeed, the weather was very nice this time around. Summer was already turning into autumn. It felt like just yesterday the two had met at Jongin's, but that was a few months ago now.

Time surely passed quickly. Only a couple of months ago Sehun would have thought it's impossible to meet with one of his favourite authors, much less be actual friends with him. If he diclined Jongin's invitation, he wouldn't have been here, sitting with Kim Minseok, talking about the weather.

"Would you like to go on a walk?" Minseok's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. And without saying anything else, he followed Minseok out of the small cafe.


They walked what seems like minutes, turned out to be hours. The sun was already setting, and the street lights were starting to turn on. And now, Sehun was walking Minseok to his apartment.

Few words were exchanged during their walk. There wasn't a need to. They were enjoying the weather and also each others company. It was a pleasant feeling, having someone just be there and make Sehun's day feel a thousands times better than it was.

It was strange. But he liked the feeling.

"Well, we're here." They stopped at what appears to be Minseok's apatment building. 

Sehun turned to face him. "It was really nice to spend time with you, Hyung."

The older smiled sweetly at him. "The feeling's mutual."

For some time, they just stood there. Looking at each other, examining the other's profile. Sehun looked at Minseok's face intently. His beautiful glimmering eyes, his monolid making it look feline. His cute, round cheeks. Not to mention those pink, plump lips that are slightly open right now. They looked so soft, so... kissable.

"I— I should go now..." Minseok said as he clears his throat. "It's getting late anyway. You should go home and get some rest."

"Yes I suppose I should..." He rubs a hand down his nape and looking anywhere else that is not Minseok.

"Good night, Sehun."

They waved good bye to each other. As Minseok was opening the door, he said,"Good night to you too, Hyung."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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