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He finished today's lesson with a quiz. The students hated it, that was obvious, but they needed something to wake them up. They handed Sehun the papers as they went out the room. He quickly scanned their answers, not looking at their faces as they went out.

He did, however, caught a few glances from the female students. Can't deny that he is, in fact, a beautiful human specimen. Then again, he was their teacher. And dating a student would be very inappropriate and weird.

When everyone was out of the room, he sat on his desk and pondered for a little while. Lack of sleep mixed with stress was killing Sehun slowly. He longed for a holiday. Even a night out will mean the life to him.

So when he suddenly got an email asking if he wanted to go out for dinner, he immediately accepts. It was still 5 p.m. So he went home and got dressed. 

It took him at least 30 minutes for him to get ready. Which was odd. He normally doesn't give a second thought about what he wore. And for him to wear one of his finest shirts was just—

With a sigh and a shake of his head, he went out of his apartment and drove to the place they had agreed on.


Minseok was already waiting for him when he arrived. He had his mouth buried in a glass of red wine while looking at the menu.

He was wearing a causal T-shirt with a cream blazer. His hair was styled up too. He looked stunning tonight.

Sehun took a seat across from him. When he sat, Minseok took his eyes of the menu and smiled at him.

"I'm glad you were willing to come tonight," he said. "It's great to have someone to hang out with."

"I needed a night out anyways." Sehun nodded at the waiter that came by to pour him a glass of wine. "Besides, I enjoy your company." Sehun swore he saw Minseok's cheeks turn a little red, but it was gone as quickly as he saw it. 

The night went very well. They ate great food, had equally great conversations, and Sehun almost whined when one of the waiter said that they're almost closing. He really didn't want this night to end. He wanted to prolong their time together. Sehun genuinely enjoys Minseok's presence. The older was so composed, Sehun just adores this man. 

Maybe a little too much.

"Please, let me." Sehun took the bill from Minseok's hand. He seems to want to reject Sehun's offer, but the waiter already left with Sehun's card, so he just sat there while looking at him unbelievably.

After he paid for everything, they both stood in front of the restaurant together. The cool night air sweeping their hairs. "You really didn't have to do that. Paying, I mean," Minseok said.

"It's the least I could do. You inviting me here was what I needed, and I'm very grateful for that."

Minseok smiled sideways. "I don't know how to thank you for that."

Sehun looked at him for a moment. The shorter yet older man in front of him looked especially small right now. He looks cute. "Then let me take you to dinner next time," he said out loud. He only realized that he actually said it was when Minseok's face shot up to look at him, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

"I'd like that." They stood there for a moment. Just looking at each other, taking in their presence. Sehun doesn't know if it's because of the moon, but Minseok looked as if he was glowing. All of his features were highlighted now. His high cheekbones, his cute nose, his beautiful almond eyes, everything about him makes Sehun go in awe. 

Minseok blushed, a genuine visible blush. He directed his gaze to behind Sehun now. "My car's parked that way."

Sehun felt a blush creeping into his cheeks too. He hoped it wasn't visible. "I'm heading that way," he pointed the opposite way.

"I guess I'll see you next time?"

Sehun smiled at him. "Until next time, hyung."

They went on their separate ways. Sehun thanked the stars that he didn't parked his car too far away. When he went inside his car, he sat there by himself with his hands on his face, letting his cheeks burn red. 

The feeling inside his heart was foreign. He has never felt this way towards anyone. Well, there was that one time. But he quickly dismissed the thought. That was a time in his life he never wanted to remember ever again.

He shook his head and give a few light slaps to his cheeks. When his the hammering in his chest normalized, he started the car engine and drove his way home.


Happy Pride Month! 🌈

Happy Pride Month! 🌈

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