Chapter 4- Payback..

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"That shit hurted Hyung- And I dont know what it is.." Says a voice from another table, surrounded by a few fangirls, making them annoyed since they all just wanted peace and quiet, yet this one phrase had been heard by Y/n. And she knows exactly who said it..


Y/N's POV + Third POV ((Its weird okay!))
Author: I am NeVeR doing POV's Again-
Our cafeteria time is now over, and we have to go to our next class, which is dance, and we all have this same class since we wish that we could've been idols, but our secret is in the way soo--..

Now that we are all heading to dance class, we sit down in the corner, trying not at attract much attention, but when this group of guys walk in, almost all of the girls are screaming and all of the girls and I have sensitive ears since we're werewolves, so we cover our ears and wince..

When I take a better look at the group, I notice that its Jungkook's group and they all have annoyed looks on their faces, yet none of them want to actually tell the girls to 'Go Away' or 'Please quiet down.'

So I send a 'look' to Jungkook, almost saying with my eyes, to tell them to 'shut up' and then he finally understands once he see's me holding my ears in pain, as well as the other girls..

He almost submits and shudders slightly, at my intimidating look, but he complies anyway, and has to almost yell over the girls. "Would you please move, we didn't come here to be yelled at by any girl! So please, let us get into our class!!" Jungkook yells almost with a dominant tone in his voice, almost sounding as if he was using his luna tone. Its almost as if he knew that he would be mated to an alpha, and then become a 'luna' to a pack, yet he still tries to mask himself as an intimidating alpha, or just a cold 'human' as what the humans would think of him.. 'Too bad that other wolves dont know that he's actually an Omega, and a True-Blood at that..' I say in my mind, knowing that myself and BTS are the only ones who know that he's an actual True-Blood Omega..

"yeah right.. intimidating my ass-" Says your inner wolf, Alarick, meaning: 'Noble Leader or a Wolf ruler, Fierce, Supreme ruler of all..'

"Yah Shut up Alarick, dont be mean to him, he was just trying to stop the obnoxious humans, JeEz-" I say back to Alarick, making him giggle and shut up as the teacher now walks into the door, noticing that it had became oddly quiet.. Even from the hallway it had been quiet and normally its pretty loud when BTS is in her classroom-

The the teachers eyes lay upon you and your little group, raising an eyebrow she says, "Now who might you girls be?" I then look up at the teacher since she had been standing while we had been on the floor like the rest of the students, "uhhh, well my name is Y/n and these are my-uh, f-family that I had transferred with here, Starting from the youngest to eldest, its Adylene," And each of the members raise their hand and wave slightly at the teacher. "Alianna, May, Bella, Andrada, myself- and then Susan." You say now with a small smile on your face, looking up at the teacher..

The teacher then smiles sweetly at your kindness, and then asks you a question, "Well can I see what you girls got? Since im guessing that you girls dance together as a group, so what's your group name before you girls start?" She says as you guys get up, pick the music, and then you look nervously at the girls, not knowing how to answer the last question..

'What is our group name, we can't use our Pack Name!!?' You mind-link all of them, seeing them shrug their shoulders..

Then an Idea clicks into your brain, since BTS had used initials for their school group name. Since i'm guessing that they're the bangtan pack, because I've seen Namjoon around before, as well as knowing Jungkook from the past had given up their whole disguise.. But oh well-, "We're the TB's Miss, if thats okay with you-" I say as she nods her head, indicating that its okay and start dancing..

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