Just go with it

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*Egyptian love birds pt2*

You watch movies throughout the whole flight, but also just daydreaming of the day ahead of you, like you and Mena hanging out and hopefully meeting each other's family in case a friendship blooms.

As you exit the plane down the stairs, the handsome man waiting below with a smile.

"Are you ready?" He asks as you nod, you both enter the airport and wait to find your luggage. The morning goes by really quickly, he invites you to a vegan restaurant which you don't mind since most Egyptian food can be vegan.

"So, tell me? What's your job?" You ask as you pick up your fork and eat your breakfast

"Uhh, I'm an actor, " He sips on his drink as your mouth drops.

"No way, "

"Yeah, it's hard to believe at first, " He says wanting to say something else.

"Between us, there is going be an Aladdin Live Action Remake and hopefully I get the role as Aladdin." He whispers as you smile brighter.

"That's amazing, Mena," You pat his back as he lets out a smile.

"I mean, you're getting a big opportunity here, " You continue.

"Yeah, I know, anyways, where are you heading after here, I'll follow you anywhere, " He says making your stomach lighter than anything.

"Well, I have to go visit my cousin and grandmother house so I hope you don't mind, " You say picking up your vibrating phone as he nods.

"Hey, Sabri! Yeah, I am made it to the airport, I knew you were hoping the airplane would crash, " You joke as your sister laughs on the other side of the speaker.

"So, I am going to arrive with a friend of mine to Seth's house and later to Grandma Ebony's house." You tell her as Mena uses his fork taking up the food into his mouth.

"Uhh, no, no you don't know him."

"A him? It's a guy?!" Sabrina singing that pathetic teasing song, K.I.S.S.I.N.G

"Ugh, Sabri, be mature! I have to go, I'll text when I get to their house."

You end the call as you both give each other a shy smile. The plates in front of both you empty and your bellies full.

"Like, I said, I'll follow you everywhere...ugh! Sorry... I didn't mean it in a creepy way." Mena says brushing his hair with his fingers as you pat his back.

"No, I get it, hometown buddies."

You order a taxi but Mena insists on paying his ride instead of you. Another woman and boy enter after you both squishing you guys together in the back seat. His minty breath hitting your neck very softly while he licks his lips with a very timid smile.

The tiny backseat heaven moment ends as you stumble out of the taxi giving the driver the money and entering your old childhood home.

"Grandma Ebony, I'm home." You say setting down your luggage on a small corner in the living room.

"Oh my, oh boy! Y/n, you are so big and pretty!! You look like a beautiful young woman!!"Ebony says grabbing your cheeks aggressively planting big kisses.

"Cousin Seth is coming in a bit, she has a lovely boyfriend you would love to meet." She says grabbing teapot preparing green tea.

Seth, your cousin, and you had some past incidents. Life was a competition whenever Seth was around, she would brag of how great she is and you hated how self-absorbed she was. You felt like a failure around her saying she was a businesswoman with a very handsome boyfriend that worked with a big company and that she had lots of money to spare. That's the only reason, you didn't like coming back to Cairo, Egypt. It seemed like every time Seth and you talked, you would lie to make yourself feel better.

Seth finally arrived making you feel anxious as you watched her beautiful Egyptian hair fall on her back. Bright hazel eyes and a tall boyfriend with a sweet smile.

"Oh, y/n, you're home."

"Yeah, I am." You stutter back as Mena and you sit on the couch.

"How are you doing?" She asks the question you hated the most.

"Oh, I am doing great!" Mena looking at your fake smile.

"That's lovely, isn't it Matt?" She says laying her fingertip on his chin as he smiles kissing her maroon lips.

"Yeah it is, how about you Seth? How are you doing, is work getting harder because they are these massive eyebags on your face." You flutter your eyes as she shoots you a dirty look. Mena holding in a chuckle catching on what's going.

"Oh, yeah, I need to make money, it's really worth it. Matt and I are actually having our 2-year anniversary." Seth snaps back showing the silver necklace around her neck.

"That's really cute, yeah Mena and I are actually on our 5th date already." You lie as Mena looks at you confused.

'Just go with with it' You mouthed as he lets out a smile nodding back.

"Oh, you are dating?! I can see the chemistry?"Grandma Ebony says sipping on her cup as Seth rolls her eyes.

" My honey bear! My cutie pie! An
and I wanted to throw a small party for this anniversary here at your house, my Ebony!" Seth says as you let out a sigh and lean back.

Seth taking Matt's lips onto hers as you gag at the sight, Mena chuckling of how competitive you are.

After the intense talk, Ebony takes both of you to the guest room setting yourself in.

"I am really sorry for bringing you into something you don't belong in." You tell Mena as you sit at the edge of the bed.

"No, it's okay, I see why, she's pretty mean." He says placing his shirts in the empty dresser.

"Look, Mena, I am not going to pressure you into doing anything, I mean, we just met a couple of hours ago and now you are in my childhood home, so if you want to leave, it's okay with me." You insist as he sits next to you.

"No, it'll be fun, your family seems very entertaining and I am also interested in what other lies you are going to fit in." He smiles as you sigh in relief.

"Don't worry about it, let's just get ready for the party downstairs, I trust you." He says looking deeply in your eyes.

He was a very nice guy but he was now your fake boyfriend, it wasn't bad but pretty overwhelming since you had to make Seth buy it. Mena and you have to get touchy and right now, he was basically a stranger...

This road trip is like 10 hours long and all I have been doing is listening to music, eating Cheetos and Tacos, and hoping to finish all my chapters soon. I got a new request so I guess I am going to have to cancel some imagines for the continuation for ex. (Too sexy for ya?)  Hope you enjoyed ♥♥♥😍✨

-Celeste- Let's reach 10k soon plzz😘😭😍

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