Holly stood up and looked at him," I sir will always have a choice, we are done with this conversation."

He saw fire in her eyes, he loved that and he also knew that he had pushed a little to far. He stood up and watched as she started to walk in the opposite direction of the house. It was a warm late winter day, spring was just right around the corner. Then the garden that they were in would be alive with greens and different colors. He watched as she walked to a gazebo that was in the middle of the garden. She had her back turned toward him, he was going to take this advantage. He walked up behind her and placed feather light kisses against the exposed skin of her neck. She shivered with each kiss, he spoke softly" I am sorry, you just don't understand the power you have over me."

As he walked around to face her, he could see the desire she was feeling for him. Before he knew what was happening he pulled her into his body. He bent down and placed his lips upon hers. At first she resisted, but not long. She kissed him with a hunger that he knew that he felt about her. It was all he could do to keep himself from deepening the kiss to the point of no return. They were locked into each others embrace, the world around them disappeared. 

Their arms were holding each other tight, Holly didn't want the kiss to end. It seemed it never would end, just as the kiss started it suddenly stopped. William looked down at Holly's closed eyes, " this wouldn't have to stop, if only you would agree to marry me."

Holly opened her eyes and found that William had walked away. She looked around for him, but he had disappeared into thin air. How could he disappear so fast? What was she going to do now? She loved him and she wanted more of those soul stirring kisses, and whatever else he could give her.


William had planned it just right, he knew that if he would give her a kiss and walk away would make her see right. He had never met such a stubborn woman in his life, except his mother and sister. Holly was different, she wasn't afraid to try new things. He witnessed her tomboyish ways the last tie he was on her father's estate. He thought back to that day and the grass in her hair, he even thought he seen grass stains on her skirt.

If only she would just agree to marry him, he knew that they would be so happy. He knew that he loved her with all of his heart and soul. He knew that she felt the same way, but she was a stubborn girl. He knew that his need to buy her nice things probably sent the wrong message. He couldn't help imagining her wearing all those things and the joy of the rest of the presents. He was getting frustrated on waiting for her to give him the answer he wanted to hear. 

As he walked to the house, he knew by now that her eyes were open. She would now know that he was out of her sight. His plan is to drive her nuts, when she was so full of desire she would say yes. He knew that Holly was going to go crazy with need for more than just kisses. That made him smile, just the joy of having her in his home for the rest of his life was just to much to ask for right?

He wanted Holly more than even Holly had a clue about. He would do anything for her, if she asked him to give up his life for her, he would. He knew that in his heart of hearts she was going to say yes in the very near future. It was just depending on when she would say yes is the problem. He was going to talk with her father, and ask for her hand in advanced. Holly was going to marry him one way or another.


Holly missed feeling William's warm lips on hers, she her lips were still tingling from their kiss. She shivered at the thought of how his lips moved over hers. She wasn't going to be strong enough to say no to his proposal. He knew her weakness and it was him. She gathered her shawl and walked towards the house. What was a girl to do about being in this situation? Her reputation was in shreds, not by her doings. Her only suitor was the one she was head over heels in love with. 

How could this be happening to her? She felt giddy inside, she couldn't wait to see him again. He didn't need to know that, but just to be in his presence made her weak in the knees. As she walked into the house she heard the familar laughter of William. So this is where he disappeared? He was in her father's study. They must be talking about estate things, cause what ever it was it was enough to have them booming with laughter. Most likely telling of the tale of farmer Homer's cow stuck in the mud with his wife trying to pull him out. 

Her father had regaled the tale when he came to visit last month. How Homer and his wife were both stuck in the mud just to have the cow walk right out. Everyone thought it was the most funniest thing they had ever heard of. She was so sick and tired of hearing about it, what men thought was funny was not always funny. She walked right in and went to her room to freshen up before dinner. Maybe by that time William would have gone on to his estate by then.

She was so wrong, William was sitting beside her at the dinner table. She could feel the tingles of electricity going up and down her body. He was so close to her, she could feel the heat from his body. William did the most unthinkable thing she had ever felt. He placed his hand on her leg and was rubbing his palm up and down her thigh. She almost groaned out loud, but she kept her mind about her. It was very hard to just not moan in delight at his touch. With each stroke he went higher up her leg, and she felt a warm pool of desire fill her womb. It was intoxicating just to feel the hunger of something she hadn't experienced yet.

William knew what he was doing, he was planning on driving her mad with desire. He wasn't planning on it working so fast and so hard. He felt his manhood stiffen with his own desire for her. This was going to be so hard for him to even control himself. He wanted to do things to Holly that would make her blush. So for the time being he had to bide his time, she would be his wife in the very near future.

Holly was enjoying the different sensations that were running through her body just by his hands. She wanted to kiss him, she wanted to be kissed by him. She wanted to so close to him that if there was a way to get even closer she wanted that. How was she going to tell him no again? She just didn't have it in her to say no again. If he asked her again tonight, she was going to say yes. She just had to wait for her parents to leave the room long enough for William to ask her again. 

After dinner was done, everyone retired to the sitting room after the men had their port and cigars. Martha was tired from traveling so she excused herself and went to bed. Holly's father stayed until William left. Holly was seething with frustration, she wanted to be alone with William so she could get kissed. How was she going to get kissed again? Especially if William didn't come back and went back to London with his family. 

This was not how she wanted to spend her first night back at home. Fustrated with this growing desire in the pit of her soul. She felt the wetness that would pool out of her secret place and was making her under garments soaking wet. What was he doing to her? How was she to survive with all of this leaking going on? Oh William what are you doing to me? Holly whispered to herself.

He was going to make her pay for her stunt in London, she had no doubt about that. He was already getting her back, she couldn't stand this heat running through her body any longer. She needed to have her fire put out, and William was the only one who was able to do the job.

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