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Zatheon sets our bags down on one of the queen sized beds of the motel room. This is the third one we've had this week. We're headed across country, I can tell that much, but I'm not sure where we'll end up. We're definitely on the move, though, faster than we have been this whole time. I'm certain we're headed to the more permanent placement he spoke of last week. This motel isn't the worst place I've ever stayed, but it also isn't the nicest, and I'm glad we aren't staying here long- of that I'm sure, because he only asked for two nights stay when we checked in.

"Zatheon, I have to talk to you about something..." I say, as he begins to pull my toiletries and pajamas out of my bag. I'm certain now that we'll be leaving first thing tomorrow night, because he wants me to get sleep. There won't be any romantic dinners in this town. I'm sure when we stop at this more permanent placement it will be different, but in this moment I'm feeling so far from him.

"What's that?" He says, without stopping his movements. He's pulling out an outfit for me for tomorrow night, and one for himself. He sets them on the bed and then walks over to the fridge to see what's in it- if anything.

"Zatheon." I say his name seriously, and he stops. I sigh and sit at the edge of the bed opposite of the one with our things on it.

"What is it, Love?" He says as he stands up from his crouch in front of the fridge. He's giving me full attention now, but suddenly my throat feels swollen, and if feels impossible to speak.

"It's probably- it's probably not the right time to talk about this- I mean it isn't- I just don't know when it will be- probably when we're more comfortable, not traveling-"

"Gwen. You're rambling. What's on your mind?" He crouches in front of me now, and looks up at me, despite me staring at my hands. I take a deep breath, nod to myself, and look him in the eyes.

"It's been three months Theo."

He swallows hard and I watch his iris' flex in hunger at my words. He swallows the saliva collecting around his fangs and nods. "I was afraid you'd mention that soon."

"Then you haven't forgotten your promise?" I say curtly. He looks away with a sigh, and stands up from me; he paces away from me as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Gwendolyn you're right, this isn't the time." He says this with certainty and then begins moving things in his luggage around again, but I'm almost certain there's no actual goal in his movements other than to distract himself.

"Zatheon you promised-"

"Things change Gwendolyn." He snaps at me, for the first time since we've been on our own. It feels worse than any other time he's ever done it, because I know too well that I have no one else to turn to for comfort. Brief images of him snapping on the people he's killed in front of me, images of him fighting with Aldo, they all come flooding in. "Don't cry..."

I wipe at my eyes quickly, because I didn't realize I was crying, and I honestly didn't want to right now.

"I just thought you were a man of your word-"

"I am," he says defensively, his words regaining strength as the worry in his voice disappears again. "Like I said- things change though. How was I to predict Aldrich would cheat on us and I'd have to drag us away from him-"

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