Paybacks a Bitch

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Bright and early the next morning, the police questioned Hawk. Hawk told them everything. About the street racing accident and how Trey and Cruz were involved. The police were very interested in those two. Especially how they encouraged and betted on the street race. Also, the stabbings of Bert, Hawk and Stingray. After Hawk's statements, the police left. Johnny was waiting outside. He hugged hawk and apologized. "Sorry kid, I was upset. I should've realized assholes were involved.

Robby stood beside his father. "I know the assholes who caused this. They do this kind of shit all the time.  I know where to find them. 

"Let's go, right now. They need payback."  Hawk said.

Johnny grinned. "Hell Yeah  and Payback's a bitch!" The three boys went to tell  Miguel. Miguel said. "Oh great, too bad I can't help you. But I'm still weak." 

"We need to call Tory and Aisha. They want to be a part of this. " Hawk sadi. "They both are upset over Stingray, Sensei Kreese and little Bert. They want to go after Mandy."  

Hawk called Aisha and Miguel called Tory. Johnny would stop at the dojo and pick them up. Then they would find Trey, Cruz and Mandy.  Aisha and Tory got into Johnny's car and everybody went to find Trey and Cruz. 

Trey, Cruz and Mandy were at an abandoned warehouse a few blocks away from the dojo. Robby knew exactly where to find them. 

Everybody jumped out of the car. Hawk went berserk and screamed "Die Moher Fuckers, Die" He found Trey sitting on a couch. Hawk jump kicked him. Then he grabbed his head and repeatedly punched him. Trey's nose and face was a bloody pulpy mess in seconds. 

Cruz pulled out his knife and tried to stab Hawk. Robby tackled him. "No you don't; pussy." Robby kicked the knife away. "Fight me fair, asshole."

Robby kicked Cruz. Then he tackled him again and pounded his head off the concrete floor. Soon Cruz had a bloody messed up face. Cruz was then knocked out. 

Mandy saw what was going on and pulled out her knife. Tory and Aisha saw this. "I got this." Tory said. She pulled off her spiked bracelet. "Party time." she charged at Mandy and kicked her. She slashed at Mandy's arm. "This is for Stingray." Then she slashed at Mandy's face. "This is for Hawk." Tory then slashed Mandy's throat. "This is for little Bert. How dare you stupid cunt, hurt a little kid." Tory went to slash again. But Aisha stopped her. "No, stop. You  don't want to  kill her." Tory yelled. "No Mercy. When you're opponent's down, make sure they stay down." 

Aisha said, "This is  enough. You don't want to go to jail for murder." 

"Yeah Tory, this piece of garbage isn't worth it." Hawk said. 

Suddenly a voice spoke up. "Funs over kiddies." He had a gun. All the kids stood with thier hands up. Then Sensei Lawrence came out of the shadows with a Sai. He stabbed the guy with a gun in the back. Johhny stabbed several times. "Pull a gun on my students, You mother fucker. Die mother fucker die. No Mercy!" 

Robby grabbed his dad's shoulder. "Please dad, Stop. You're not a murderer."  

"He's not worth going to jail for the rest of your life, Sensei." Aisha said. "Let's call the police. Time these assholes were brought to justice." 

Aisha called the police. Everybody went to the police station. The questioning went on for hours. Bert was released from the hospital, (he only had small cuts to his throat, nothing deep.) Stingray was still in the hospital. He had a punctured kidney and risked losing it. After the police got their stories, everybody was free to go.

A few days later charges were brought  on all the kids involved in the street race. Since Hawk and Stingray cooperated with the police, it lightened their sentences. Everyone got (including Tory and Aisha) got their licenses suspended for one year and thier cars impounded for one year. They each got fined 1,000 dollars for taking part in illegal street racing.(Except Bert)  Hawk got 3 years probation. Stingray got one year in jail, but his sentence was suspended. He's on  parole for 5 years. 

Trey, Cruz and Mandy got several years in jail for what they did to Bert. He was only a minor and they were older teens. (all were over the age of 18.) Those involved in the warehouse fight got no charges. It was all "self defense" 

When everybody walked out of the courtroom, Hawk said. "I'm glad that's over."

Johnny burst out laughing. "Kid, you forgot all about Sensei John Kreese. As soon as he's able to get out of that bed, you'll get what's coming to you. after all you were the one who killed his brand new Harley." 

Hawk yelled "Oh Shit" everybody laughed. 

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