The Accident

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John Kreese pulled out of the Gas Station and drove towards the diner. Off in the distance he could hear cars fast approaching. One minute no cars were in the lane, then boom two cars sped off the u-turn. Kreese swerved and missed a red car. He was still trying to balance the bike from that swerve, when two other cars sped around the U-turn. A blue car was so close to him that Kreese had to swerve off the road. The guard rail was fast approaching. He saw there was a hill with a huge drop.  Kreese panicked and made a rookie mistake.  He stepped on his rear brake with too much force and skidded. His Harley sped towards the guardrail and then went over. There was a steep drop onto a highway below the guardrail. Kreese blacked out from shock and didn't remember anything when he crashed down on the highway below.  

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