At The Hospital/Miguel Calls Hawk

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Johnny, Carmen and Robby arrived back at the hospital they just left. Johnny and Carmen went straight to the ER. Carmen said it would be best if Robby went back to see Miguel. He'd just be stuck alone in the waiting room. (Johnny and Carmen went into the trauma unit where Kreese just arrived.) 

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Robby went to Miguel's room

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Robby went to Miguel's room. He walked in. "Hey what you doing back here?"  Miguel asked.

"You won't believe what happened!" Holy Shit!" Robby said as he paced. "On the way home we all witnessed a motorcycle accident. The motorcycle driver  and motorcycle flew over the guardrail and crashed on the highway below, really close to our car."

"Wow, did you come here to see if the guy's all right and talk to the police?" Miguel said.

"That's the shocking part. My dad knows the guy. So do you. It's John Kreese! The accident was so bad they life flighted him." Robby yelled. 

Miguel's mouth gaped open. "No way. I didn't know Kreese even owned a motorcycle. Oh Shit, I wonder if Cobra Kai knows!" Miguel held out his hand to Robby. "I need your phone. I got to call Hawk." Robby gave the phone to Miguel. 

Miguel dialed Hawk's number. "Hawk, I got bad news to tell you. No, I'm fine. There's been an accident. Sensei John Kreese wrecked on his motorcycle. The wreck was so bad Kreese was life flighted. He's in the ER now. " Miguel pulled the phone away from his ear and cringed. "Hawk's screaming and crying "Fuck!" .  And he hung up on me." Miguel said. "He's crazy upset."

Robby nodded. "I'd feel the same way if it was Mr. LaRusso." 

Meanwhile, in the ER, Johnny started to crying again. The nurses and doctors got John Kreese out of his helmet and biker clothes. They hooked him up to a ventilator and other machines. Kreese looked so helpless it broke Johnny's heart. 

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Johnny walked over to the hospital bed

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Johnny walked over to the hospital bed. He took John Kreese's hand. "Sensei, you will pull though. Defeat does not exist in this dojo. Does it?" Carmen brought Johnny a chair. "Here sit. It's good to sit and talk to a person when they're unconscious. That's what I did with Miguel. He told me he heard me. Hearing my voice made him want to get better and wake up."Johnny sat and held Kreese's hand. "Don't worry, you'll wake up and be kicking ass soon." He stayed with Kreese in the ER for the rest of the night. 

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