Everyone hears about Kreese

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Keagen, Mitch, Tory, and Aisha drive back towards Reseda. They stop and park in front of the dojo. Aisha's phone rings. "Hey it's Stingray. He said there were cops, and they had to bolt. He said to not worry about him and Hawk. They went home" 

"Whatever. I'm more worried about what I will say to my parents." Mitch said. " They'll probably have to turn in into thier insurance company."

"I'm telling my parents that some car scraped me in the parking lot and didn't leave a note." Kegan said. "If you want, I'll tell your parents the same thing happened to you." 

"Cool. My car will get fixed and I won't get into trouble." Mitch said. Kegan and Mitch got into their cars and left. Aisha and Tory did the same thing. It was late, and they had to be home before their parents go upset.

Tory just got home when her phone rang. It was Miguel. "HI how are you." 

"Tory I got some bad news. It's about Sensei Kreese. He's in the ER. He wrecked on his motorcycle and he's in intensive care." 

Tory screamed. "Are you sure?"

Miguel said. "Robbie's the one who told me. Him and his dad saw the whole thing. Kreese and his bike flew over the guardrail and landed on the highway below. Sensei Lawrance thinks  somebody made him swerve and made him go over. It could be a hit and run because nobody stopped." 

"I'll kill whoever did this" Tory screamed. "Miguel I got to call everybody."

Miguel said, "I already called Hawk, he's upset." Tory hung up the phone and dialed a number.

Tory called  Bert, first. He didn't answer. She called Stingray, but the call was declined. She texted him about Kreese. No return text . She then called Mitch. "Mitch, I got  bad news, Sensei Kreese was in a motorcycle accident and is in intensive care. Miguel just told me." Tory started to cry. 

Mitch screamed. "Holy shit, Kegan get over here." Mitch then hung up on Tory. When she called back, the call was declined. "What the Hell is going on?" She called Miguel back and told him about the odd behavior. "They're just upset. Stingray probably already heard from Hawk and is bawling his eyes out." Tory agreed. Tory told Miguel goodbye. Tory then called Aisha. "Aisha, Sensei Kreese was in a motorcycle accident. He's hurt bad."  "Holy shit, poor Sensei." Aisha started to cry. Tory apologized, said she needed to go .   She hung up the phone and bawled her eyes out the entire night. She didn't sleep at all.

Mitch told Kegan about Sensei Kreese. "He was the guy we almost hit. That caused us to scrape."

"He was fine when we went past. So it had nothing to do with us!" Keagen said. "Don't worry about it."

"What if it was Hawk and Stingray?" Mitch asked. "Should we call and say something?"

"Hell no! What do you want them to do, if it was them? Confess?" Keagan laughed. "If they do that, we'll get busted. Street Racing's illegal. Plus, Kreese got badly hurt, and could die. If he dies, it's murder." Kegaen grabbed Mitch by the shirt. "I'm sure you don't want to get busted for murder. So keep your mouth shut." Mitch agreed. He walked away from Keagen got into his car and drove away. 

Ride With Me (It Was An Accident)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz