Well....you make it xadia but...

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moon pov

i was flying above the clouds and runaan was still as scare as a little irl when a spider is in the room. i playfully ducked down quickly and i heard him scream and hold onto ezran and Amaya tighter, it was actually really funny, ezran told him i was laughing at runaan, runaan just pouted a little bit and ezran laughed at him, when we got there i landed at the boarder, i was still in dragon form until rayla said it for me, "oh no, its sol regem.."

Sorry its so short, that's excactly what i wanted for this chapter since its for a good laugh and is still apart of the story, so why not mae runaan scared of heights? and plus, moon is over 200 feet tall when he is on all 4 legs, double the size to 400 feet tall on hind legs in dragon form, so i can see why hes so scared. XD anyways, hope you enjoy this sotry so for, and plus, this isn't just like a short oneshot story like my other ones, this may be a full story that can get to 20 parts maybe! i hope! well hope you enjoy and have a great day/morning/night!!

Amaya x male elf reader- her knight in shining armorWhere stories live. Discover now