after care

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I lay down and start trying to contol my breathing when he gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom. I hear the bath start to run and just thought he was going to take a shower after everything. He comes back out and he came back with a wet washcloth and started to clean me up a bit. He picked me up bridle style and slowly brought ne to the bathroom leaving kisses on my forehead the whole way there. He got me into the nice warm bath and he said he had something to admit to me. "Kim Hyun-Ah you are the love of my life. I hope this is how you also plan to spend most nights for the rest of your life. I dont know what I would do without you right now. Just know I dont expect this every night or even every week. If you dont want to do this again for a bit thats alright. I love you and only you." I started tearing up and let him join me in the bath. God i hope to marry this man.

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