Lee Hoseok: bby girrrrrl

Lee Hoseok: I got a paper cut

Y/N: woahhhhhhhhh

Y/N: That's not cool man

Lee Hoseok: So uncool

Y/N: is it bad?

Lee Hoseok: it hurts so much

Y/N: you need to put a bandaid on it

Lee Hoseok: Wow didn't know that

Lee Hoseok: thanks for informing me

Y/N: (^)

Lee Hoseok: 💋

Lee Hoseok: I already took care of it, all it needs is a kiss from ya

Y/N: Kiss it yourself

Lee Hoseok: Nah, my finger told me it needs your kiss

Lee Hoseok: or else it'll snap off of me

Y/N: Uh I don't think the finger talks

Lee Hoseok: the finger is attached to the human body through the arm to mouth so technically it can

Y/N: I'm not physically there so that's an issue

Lee Hoseok: oh yeah.....

Y/N: Is it possible if we can see each other??

Lee Hoseok: uhhh actually today is not a good day for me

Y/N: Hoseok, why do you keep making excuses not to see me?

Y/N: It really hurts my feelings, it's like you're just playing with me

Lee Hoseok: Y/N......

Y/N: Hoe

Y/N: This is exactly why

Y/N: I'm probably not the only girl you're talking to

Lee Hoseok: It's not that

Lee Hoseok: It's me

Y/N: you?

Lee Hoseok: I can't let you see me now, I'm not ready. I feel like something bad is gonna happen and you won't talk to me

Y/N: What, you're ugly?

Lee Hoseok: AHAHAHA thanks for assuming that I'm ugly

Y/N: I mean I don't care if you're ugly or not

Lee Hoseok: Well first of all I'm not ugly

Lee Hoseok: and second it's just that.... nvm you won't understand

Y/N: it's ok, I think I understand

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