Chapter 2

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Renesmae paces round the room baffled by the news that was broken to her by her father before breaking the silence. "So what your telling me is thst i'm going to boarding school?"

"That's correct." He replied confidently, knowing he's mind has been made up.

"But boarding school is for losers!" Mae replied. "Ill be surrounded by brainwashed posh people who are snobs and won't like the same things as me."

Groaning, Renesmae slumps back into her chair in disbelief.

Charles stands and makes his way around the huge unnecessary dining table to where he's close enough to put his hand on Renesmaes shoulder. "Those people aren't losers they have morals, priorities and education pearl." He begins speaking. "And your going whether i have to drag you there kicking and screaming!"

"YOU NEVER LISTEN!" She screams, pushing her chair aggressively out from under the table and storming out the room leaving her father and the echos behind.

Eventually, Mae made her way up to her room and immediately facetimed her two bestfriend's Amelia and Mia.

"Hey girl!" Shouts Amelia in excitement.

"Hi..." Replied Mae tapping her fingers against her desk.

"What's with the long face?" Asked Mia. "Daddy cut your weekly allowance off because of your crazy antics?"

Mae lifts her head and grumbles. "No, worse."

"What could be worse than that?!" Gasped Amelia, as she files her nails on the camera.

"He's sending me to boarding school."

Both Mia and Amelia gasp, then sit up in shock.

"No...fricking....way!" Amelia says in broke down words in shock.

"You're kidding... you're totally kidding right now, aren't you?" Said Mia, still sat up in shock.

Renesmae explained everything that went down at dinner and how he thinks she has changed but for the worse, until eventually the anger she has for the situation tired her out that much she slumped onto her bed and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, the alarm clock struck 7:00 am and began to beep annoyingly and consistently.

"Ughhh" Groaned Renesmae as she rolls over to navigate the snooze button.

The beeping stopped and she lay there with her eyes closed as the sun started to peep peacefully through the curtains.

"Holy shit!!" Renesmae screamed as she jumped out of bed and instantly looked at the time.

The alarm clock marked 7:08.

Quickly grabbing the last things and throwing on some clothes Mae kissed her bed goodbye and ran downstairs to the presence of her father standing with a chauffeur ready to escort her to the private jet which was scheduled to fly at 8:00 am.

"Lets hope boarding school helps with your time keeping as well as your attitude Renesmae." Said Charles as she walks down the stairs wobbling side to side with the 'essential' things needed.

"You want to hope i don't come back even worse than when i went because that would be a real shame now wouldnt it." She replied, trying to juggle her belongings which covered her face up to her eyebrows.

"I'm sure that wont be the case, you will come back the girl i taught you to be, nothing like your mother and with erm—" He began, observing all the things Mae was struggling to carry. "Less baggage..."

The chauffeur quickly attends to Renesmae's needs by removing the access belongings from her arms and packs them into the Rolls Royce.

Mae finally has a clear view of her successful father and says "Goodbye father. Don't miss this bad ass bitch too much."

She then smirks and throws a peace sign in the air before shoving her expensive Chanel scalf over her shoulder and exiting the place she used to call home.

The flight to London took less time than expecting but i suppose it would in a private jet with a snack bar, cinema room and massage chairs to keep you entertained.

Eventually, the flight comes to an end as London city is in sight and Renesmae makes her way out of the private jet with the wind from the spinning propellers blowing her long wavy hair and the expensive Coco Chanel scalf perched on her shoulder.

A british Chauffuer approaches her as she makes the last step from the plane. "Hello Miss Colemen i'm here to escort you to Kentwood Boarding School."

He guides her over to the black Rolls Royce parked not far from the landing spot, while other men dressed in smart black and white suits carry her unnecessary huge pink bags and cases to the car.

As Renesmae sits patiently in the back of the car her daddy ordered for her tansfer she pulls out her smart phone and begins to make a phone call to her mother who was currently living life in Hwaii without a care in the world.

The phone rang for a little while until eventually Kathy, her extremely beautiful but selfish model of a mother picks up and the sound of the sea and Hwaiian music flooded the phone call.

"Hello sweety, I'm currently getting a massage, What's up?" She asks, as she moans with pleasure from the amazing massage.

"Really mom, whats up?" Mae began, sarcastically. "Do you have any idea where im off to right now?"

Her mom begins laughing and talking to someone.

"Erm, hello? Mom?"

"Oh yes sorry darling, you have my full attention." She says, as she flips onto her back.

Mae sighs and begins to freak out. "Dad is sending me to boarding school in London and i don't know what i'm going to do and i don't know how long for and i...i just.."

"Listen calm down, your father just hates the fact you took after me with your partying ways, it won't last long before he comes back to get you." She says, reassuringly but at the same time not positively sure.

"And what if he doesn't?" Mae asked, with a desperate tone in her voice.

"Then i shall come and get you myself!" She replied. "But i have to go now hunny, byeee."

"Wait, mom."

But before anything else could be said Mae looked down at her phone to the call being ended.

The chauffeur turns round in his seat to face Renesmae. "Are you ready?"

She places her phone face down before looking up at the chauffeur and then glancing out of the window.

"Ready then i'll ever be...."

Boarding School for LosersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin