"Hey" I say calmly.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" He asks with concern.

"Yeah much better." I felt quite stable from before. I was such a mess and I don't even remember when Hassan had come.

"You started smoking again?" He inquires.

"I needed to." I say firmly.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He says sadly.

"I am a failure, Hassan." My voice breaks as I am about to cry.

"Hey! Look at me." He says gently.
I look at him with tears welled up in my eyes.
"YOU. ARE. NOT. A. FAILURE. Okay?" He says emphasising on every word and I nod.

"But look at me, I am a mess." This time I couldn't control my tears.

"It's okay to cry. I won't stop you."

"Thanks" I sob.

"I know how you feel. I really do. But you have to be strong and move on, Syra."

"You don't get it Hassan. I am nothing without this. I don't even know what I am gonna do now? I don't want to be dependent on anyone."

"I am not "anyone" Syra. I am your husband. And you are my responsibility, whether you are independent or not. You can rely on me, you don't have to be dependent on me. But just trust me." He holds my hands in his, gently and looks into my eyes. "Trust me, I won't let you down or cause you any harm, everything will be okay, I promise."

Hassan's PoV:

"Okay." She smiles and keeps her head on my lap and I gently stroke her head to comfort her.
I went to office the next morning and didn't want to bother Syra, so I let her sleep. I still sleep in the living room sofa which is okay, but like my back seriously hurts now. But I can't complain. I just want her to be alright and happy again.

I come back home from a hectic day of work, hoping Syra would be up and my words would have some affect on her haha.

But no. I went in and she was still sleeping, prominent bags under her eyes and more cigarettes in the ash tray.

I was disappointed. Clearly whatever I had made her understand, didn't help otherwise she wouldn't be like this today. But again I should give her some time and understand.
I woke her up gently and  she went to get dressed, while I made chai (tea) for us.

I was waiting in the dinning room with the warm cup in my hand. She comes and sits infront of me over the table.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I am okay." She said tiredly.

"Here." I slide the bundle of Rupees (money) towards her.

"What's this?" She frowns.

"My pay. And this is yours."

"But you already pay for groceries and everything, what should I need this for?"

I chuckle.
"I know. But this is for you. Not for home expenses. For whatever you need for yourself."

"You're giving me YOUR money?" She felt slightly offended.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

She looked down and tears rolled down her face.
"Nothing. I don't need your money. I am okay." She says firmly.

"Syra, there's nothing bad to feel about this. You're my wife and this is your right."

She looked ashamed.

Syra's PoV:

"There's nothing to feel ashamed about. I am keeping this on the dressing table. It's your choice if you wanna take it or not but it's yours and you can get it anytime." He smiled and left.
And I just stood there shocked.

I used to laugh at him, at his money, as if he was nothing. I always saw myself better than him. And today? I am no one, nothing and he's supporting me and being the bigger person. He's giving me my right when I am not even following the duties of a wife....

Author's Note:

The chapter is finallyyyyy here phew!!!
I know its been ages so sorry to keep ya'll waiting😭

I know its short but it's just the beginning of an important plot (let's just hope I don't forget it cuz its been ages omg ._.)

Anyways I hope you liked the chapter! Lemme know what you think in the comments!

And yeah dun forget to vote comment and share 💕😍

And lets get this chapter to 50+ votes again❤️

Until next time (hopefully it will be soon😅) adiosss😎

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