One change in the plan I didn't like was Cooper's suggestion that Ben go with me and let Sean stay with Stephen. His reasoning made sense though, Ben could tip me off it anyone was lying or looking to cause trouble. But I didn't like the idea of having to trust him to be honest or not cause problems himself. I gave in after Ben made an offhand comment about us using aliases, just in case. He winked at me when no one was watching. I really didn't like him.  

I suggested that Cooper try and get a good look at whoever was in change. "If you have to Cooper, you could change to look like them and maybe, I don't know, buy us some time if things go bad."

"Well, yes." He seemed uncomfortable. "I can't actually change my body, height and weight and such. Hair and eye color, even skin color are cake but, well...I would rather not change my face if I don't have to. I tried that once, changed my nose." He pointed to his face and winced. "I don't know how it all works exactly. I just think of a color and concentrate, but it's different when changing big things.Things sort of melt and then reform. It hurts, a lot. I still miss my old nose sometimes." He shuddered. "No, I would rather not if I don't have to."

Fletch himself brought out food later in the night. Ham sandwiches stacked on a big silver tray. He stared at the plain sandwiches as if they had deeply offend him.

"We haven't had a chance to go shopping." Colin whispered to me when he was out of earshot. While everyone sat down to eat I slipped upstairs to change out of my blood stained clothes. I was exhausted again, but just the normal kind of exhausted a dose of caffeine could cure. Thinking would be easier if I had some sleep but I knew I wouldn't be able to even if there was time. When I stepped out of my room  I was surprised to find Nate standing in the hall waiting for me. He looked as tired as I felt. His long sleeve shirt had been discarded, his rumpled tee shirt was only half tucked into his jeans. His thick sandy hair was sticking up in places and his boyish face was pale.

"Um..." he ran his hand through his hair "...I didn't get the chance to say thank you earlier." He looked at me earnestly. "You saved my life tonight Jemma."

I took a step closer to him. "No. It's ok Nate. You don't have to thank me. Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you about my ability because I was scared and....I don't know, saying it outloud made it more real somehow I guess." I looked at the floor, "It's stupid, I know."

"But you told Sean?" My head snapped up. His face was calm but I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"No. I mean he found out when he woke up. I was there with him and he...," I hesitated. Maybe telling him Sean had thrown me into a table wasn't the best idea. "I didn't tell him. He just...saw. I asked him not to say anything because I wasn't ready for anyone to know. You said it yourself, it's personal." He was looking at me, just looking but there was something so intimate about that look it made me blush.  

"I should be the one out there with you." I was startled by the change in subject and the passion in his deep voice.

"No! Nate, I don't want to see you get hurt! I couldn't do what I need to if you were there. I..." Why did I say that? "And if I screw this up...if you got hurt because I screw this up..." I finished rather lamely. That had not been what I'd meant to say. Why did I say all that?

He stepped closer to me. I had to look up to meet his big brown eyes. "And do you think I could?" He asked quietly. "Do you think I want to sit back and watch you walk into danger and not be able to help you? If something goes wrong..." He reached down and gently touched my cheek, "Jemma, I don't want you to get hurt either."

His touch made my heart flutter. I wanted to say something but I suddenly had no idea what. I just stared up at him. He had beautiful eyes, why had I never noticed that before? And he was so close. His fingers brushed along my cheek and I felt his strong hand on the small of my back as he gently pulled me closer, until I was pressed against him. I reached up to pull his mouth to mine.

The Changed: OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now