First kiss

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Lisa's pov

I was just walking around the streets, I was not even sure what I was doing to be honest, I just needed to be away from everyone for a little while, especially from Chaeyoung. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love her, she's my best friend but that's the problem, we've always been so close but it feels different later, all the stress and nerves has made us even closer than we already were, if that's possible, and I've just grown to realize of how amazing that girl is, not that I didn't know before but sometimes I just get lost thinking about her and it honestly makes me scared. I guess I've always knew I wasn't properly straight but relationships and crushes aren't really designed to be a part of mine and the girl's lives, the fact that I might have catched feelings for someone is already bad enough but for a girl and my bamdmate is even worse. So I just need to be away from her for a while, as much as it breaks my heart to avoid her it all can go really wrong if I don't control my feelings.

Rosé's pov

I was sitting on the couch, this house is kind of boring without Lisa, I love Jennie and Jisoo but they both enjoy to just chill alone in their rooms, Lisa is usually the one who I spend the most time with, she's just a big ball of positive energy and I couldn't be happier to have her, but I couldn't help but notice that she's been distant lately, not properly cold but she's definitely not being herself, I've tried to ask her and talk to her several times but she just shrugs it off. Earlier this morning she said she was going for a walk, I offered to go with her but she insisted she wanted to go alone, gave me a small smile and told me not to worry. I just wonder if I did something wrong, the mood just seemed to switch every time we were together in the same room, I hated this feeling of tension around us and I had no idea what to do about it.

While I was laying on the couch just lost in my thoughts I hear someone getting closer to the living room, I lifted my head to see that it was Jennie.

- Hey Rosé what's wrong, isn't Lisa back yet? - she asked as she came closer to me.

- Nope, still no sign of her. - I sighed.

Jennie noticed something was wrong, she always does, so she came by and sat next to me.

- C'mon Chaeyoung I know you both and something just doesn't feel right, what's wrong? - she asked concerned.

- To be honest I don't even know, she just seems to be avoiding me later, I don't even know what I did but she seems uncomfortable doing stuff that it used to be so normal to us like cuddling or just hugging, I wonder if I did something wrong.

- Rosé I don't really think Lisa's mad at you you know? - She asked calmly like she was sure she knew what was going on.

- what do you mean Jennie? I don't even know anything, she won't talk to me. - I said to her honestly.

- You know you and Lisa have been best friends for a very long time, you've been inseparable since we were trainees, and it's probably no secret to you that Lisa is as straight as a circle. - she smirked.

- what? How do you know that? We talked about that once some time ago but she asked me not to tell anyone cause she wasn't very sure. - I started to get nervous.

- Oh c'mon, I've know Lisa for longer than even you, that girl has gay written all over her forehead. - she chuckled.

- So do you think that's it? She's scared of admitting her sexuality? - I just wanted to know what was happening.

- I don't think that's quite the thing Rosé.

- What do you mean? - I ask confused.

- Don't you think that if it was just that she would be comfortable to talk to us? She tells us everything.

- Yeah you're right that's what I don't get, we are best friends, that's what hurts me, I don't know why she won't just talk to any of us. - I admit sadly.

- Oh god, between the two of you I really don't know who's more oblivious. - Jennie roles her eyes.

- What do you m.. - I was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

- Just talk, the two of you. - she said while getting up and leaving the room.

Lisa walked in and I could see her getting nervous because of my presence.

- Hey Rosie. - She said as she was getting ready to go to her room.

- Lisa wait! Can we talk? - I pleaded her.

- Hum about what? - she asked hesitant.

- Just come outside with me, please?

- O-Okay - She gave in.

We went outside and sat on a bench, the garden was peaceful and it was In a little isolated corner, I was hoping she would feel comfortable talking here.
We both sat there in silence for a while until I decided to talk.

- I think I know what's bothering you. - I spoke out and could tell she was caught of guard.

- You d-do? - why was she so nervous?

- Lisa, I am your best friend and you can trust me about anything, if you are confused about what you feel you don't need to keep it to yourself, talk to me - I said while holding her hand.

- Rosie I would really like to talk to you, but I'm scared and I think it's better to not say anything. - she said sadly.

- No Lisa, that's not the solution, just spit it out, tell me how you feel, I won't stop loving you no matter what you say. - I looked into her eyes and could tell she relaxed a bit.

- You promise it won't destroy our friendship?

- Of course not Lisa! What can possible be so bad that it'll ruin us?

- It's just better if I show you. - she said while looking me in the eyes.

- wha.. - I was interrupted by her soft lips on mine.

My brain was having a hard time processing what was happening and for a moment I just froze.
Lisa was kissing me, now everything made sense. She wasn't mad at me, she was scared of what she was feeling.

When she felt I wasn't kissing back she suddenly backed off and started to panic.

- Oh my god Rosé, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that, I.. - I cut her off by smashing our lips together again.

She happily kissed back and for a moment everything just felt perfect, Jennie was right, how could I have been so oblivious about what she felt and most importantly about what I felt?
I've liked my best friend all along, I've always loved her, just a different way than I though I did.

We stopped kissing and Lisa held my hand.

- You understand now?

- I do, but Lisa you could have just talked to me.

- Our friendship is too important to me, I couldn't just risk ruining it.

- I don't wanna ruin the moment, but what does this exactly means to us? - I asked Lisa.

- Im not sure, but what I know is that I've fallen in love with you Park Chaeyoung. - she smiled.

- I love you too Lalisa. - I leaned in and kissed her again.

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