"Look at me," he whispers to me, wiping my tears. "You run up to my room, you lock the door and call Dylan and tell him everything. You only open when I tell you to. Okay?"

I nod. He drops his arms and turns back to my mum and John. I run upstairs, hearing my mum scream after me. When I reach the top of the stairs I look down just in time and see Landon holding John back with all his power as mum runs up the stairs. I storm inside his room and lock. I pick up his phone and tell Siri to call Dylan since I can't get into his phone.

"Hey," Dylan says. "We'll be back in a while, Tracy was looking for you."

"Dylan," I say.

"Hayden? What's going on? Where's Landon?"

"Open the door Hayden!" mum screams on the other side of the door. "Hayden!" She keeps banging on it as I answer Dylan.

"Dylan my mum and Noah's dad are here. He told me to call you, he's downstairs."

"Where are you?"

His voice is now much lower, scary almost.

"I'm in your room."

"Don't open the door, I'm on my way."

He hangs up and I try ignoring my mum's banging on the door.

"Hayden!" she screeches. "Open up!"

"Get away from the fucking door," I hear Landon demand her. "Hayden open my drawer, the second one. Take out what's in there."

I open the drawer and find an old Nokia phone and shove it in my pocket. I walk over to his closet and grab the first shirt I see. "Grab the red jacket on my hanger and come out."

I rip off the jacket from the hanger and hesitantly unlock the door, seeing him with a gun pointed at my mum and John. He holds out his other hand for me, which I grab, and my mum starts talking.

"Are you letting him do this to me?" she asks.

"I'm so sorry mum," I say. "But I'm not coming back."

"Why? Where did it go so wrong?"

"Ask your fucking stepson," Landon spits, still with the gun held in their faces while walking down the stairs. "Grab my keys from the table and get inside the car."

I obey and see him come out the door, shooting twice at their car and then getting inside his own, driving off in a roar.

"Don't worry," he tells me and grabs my hand. "Your birthday is in January right?"

"Yeah," I say.

"You're turning eighteen?"


"Okay. Give me the phone."

I pick the phone out of my pocket and hand it over to him. "Chip," he says when the person on the other end answers. "I need a two ticket flight to Minor Island and a passport for Hayden Rivera, October eighteenth, two thousand. I need it before tomorrow morning.... I don't care, just get it done....... Thanks."

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