"You're sorry?" he asks. "You're sorry, Hayden? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't realize, I'm so sorry Hayden."

Without a warning he throws one arm around my shoulders and the other one around my waist. I feel his tears on my skin, and I wanna say Noah's never gonna hurt me again, but I don't know. I don't know whether to be terrified or relieved, I just know that which one it'll even turn out to be, there isn't any in between. All in or nothing. "I promise we're gonna solve this, I promise it's over."

"Let her go for a fucking second," Isaac exclaims and rips us apart. "What the fuck is going on? Why did he scream like that?"

"Isaac," Dylan warns. "We'll take it tomorrow, go."

"Oh my fucking goodness, you've got their backs now? After what happened? Have you already forgotten how you stormed out and wrecked your car? Forgiven forgotten? What the fuck is wrong with you all?"

"Isaac," Parker warns him, sterner than Dylan.

He was in an accident? Why didn't anyone tell me?

"You were in an accident?" I ask Dylan.

"Oh now you care?" Isaac growls. "Now it's important? We didn't tell Miss Hayden so she wouldn't get worried, when she clearly doesn't give a fuck about anything anyways."

"Isaac!" Dylan exclaims. "Cut it. Get out."

"Go fuck yourselves, I'm done."

He storms out of my room and I just remain looking at the ground.

"Don't care about him okay?"

I don't look up. I've never seen Isaac that mad. I knew he was aggressive, but I didn't know he could hit that level of fury.

"Let's go," Parker says, waiting for the boys to leave. "Come on."

When Thomas and Dylan leave he follows them. He wasn't even expecting Landon to come with them.

"How can he do this to you?" he asks, his voice really low.

My tears continue spilling as he approaches me. He grabs my face and forces me to look at him, and he must notice how I flinch, giving his next words. "I know he's my cousin, I know you don't feel safe with me Hayden, but I swear to that God above I'm not gonna hurt you. I swear to everyone I love, I'm not letting anyone hurt you."

He strokes my cheek then and pulls me into a hug, resting my head against his chest. When he lets go he wipes his tears a bit. "And don't worry about Isaac or Dylan, they're fine. Isaac's just frustrated, he'll get over it by tomorrow. Try getting some sleep okay? We really need a talk tomorrow."

"You're going to sleep too, right?" I ask, begging for a yes.


"Please don't go after this, let it go, I don't want someone to get hurt. Dylan's accident and the boys hating me is enough."

"They don't hate you, they're just confused and worried. We'll solve this tomorrow. Come on."

He turns me around and gently pushes me towards my bed, removing the sheets and sitting me down.

I look down. I don't know why I suddenly get really uncomfortable. "Hayden..."

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