She squeezed me tightly sobbing in my chest, I felt her tears through my shirt.

"It's okay.. I am here now. Please don't cry anymore " She nodded, wiping what was left of her tears.

"I better call 911 dispatch to let them know I am okay now.. I don't even know what to say.." I chuckled.

She hit my chest, "Its not funny!"

After talking to the nice operator explaining that I was now okay, they told me I should go to the hospital anyway to get looked at. I thanked them and apologized for the inconvenience. It was a odd conversation but the operator expressed how my wife had been so upset and attempted to revive me the entire time. She wouldn't give up even after they had told her I was gone..


"Hm?" She looked to me, I smiled pulling her into my arms.

"Thank you."

"Ashton?" I heard Rolando's voice.

"Rolando? Where's Dom?"

There was No answer and that's when I could feel there is something wrong.

"Ashton.. because of the Alpha We have won this battle. and saved our people's lives. He saved us . I tried my best to convince him otherwise. I begged the Alpha to flee and let us hold them back but he insisted to lead us into war. In the end he lured them into our trap for our allies to attack but they didn't make it in time. Ashton.. Alpha is gone."

My heart dropped, my arms fell to my side, and tears flowed down my face.

"Ashton what's wrong?"

I can't let Yvonne know of this.. at least not yet. "I will be back." I whispered, I left the room holding in my emotions the best I could.

"Rolando.. Please tell me this is not true. What happened!!??"

"Ashton, please return to our territory for it is secure now and the enemies are out looking for the Luna everywhere. The safest place for her now that the Alpha is gone.. is here."

"Rolando.. I have to disagree. It is even more dangerous for her there."

"Ashton the Luna needs our comfort for not only is she in heat but her mate is gone. She must be in great despair.."

Wait.. How doesn't Yvonne feel that her mate is gone? She would feel the loss of his presence the instant he died. So he must still be alive!!

"Rolando! The Luna is not even aware of her mate being gone which must mean he is not gone. As his mate she would sense his presence no longer and it would send her wolf in a frenzy. He is alive Rolando!!"

"Bring her home so we can evaluate whether or not the reason for her lack of knowledge of his death is due to him being alive or perhaps Dom blocked her out so she would not know.. "

"Fine. We will see you soon."

I went back into the room to see Yvonne waiting by the door.

"What's going on?"

I must not tell her yet.. She is already in pain, I can't imagine what this would do to her. "Yvonne, we must return to our territory tomorrow."

"Wait. They were successful!! I get to see Dom tomorrow? Ashton, you were right! I should have never doubted our pack or Dom." Her face lit up as she jumped with joy.

I must not let her get her hopes up, I must tell her.

"Yvonne there is something you must know."

My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now