Tears of the sky

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Kyouhei's POV

It's been awfully cold in Tokyo nowadays. Actually, ever since that day...

"Where ever you are, I'm with you.Were the last words I heard her say. It was just a whisper, a soft little whisper that kept ringing in my ears, a little whisper that I just couldn't forget.

Who was it? 

Who's voice was that? 

I didn't have any memory of what happened the night before I woke up lying down on the cold floor of a hotel room. 'I came here with someone, but who was it?' was the first thought that came to mind. I couldn't stop crying for some reason and so did the sky. Rain fell, ever so strongly from the sky and with each drop of rain matched one of my many tears. I felt a crippling pain in my chest and an unbearable amount of guilt surrounding my conscience. 

I told myself "Come on Kyouhei, just clear you head and your hearts bound to follow."

As soon as the rain stopped I decided to go straight home, but somehow I unconsciously ended up at the top of Tokyo tower.

"Why did I come here?" I asked myself.

I remembered, Tokyo tower was in perfect sight from the hotel I...or rather we stayed in that night. 

"She wanted to see this." I whispered to myself.

I wish she could've seen it, the way the sun was slowly rising, enveloping the city with it's bright rays and warmth, I knew she would've loved this. 

It's been raining quite often in Tokyo lately. The weather's always so cold now, is it because it's almost winter? Probably, yes. Or is it because the sky is always sad that it can't stop crying. They're childish thoughts, I know, but somehow, from that day on I've always felt like the rain was someones tears. They were someone's cold and unbearable tears, filled with regret and sadness, sorrow and fear. Tears that came from the eyes of someone who's heart is aching. I wanted to make it stop, but how? How do you stop the tears of the sky...or rather...her tears from falling?

A month has already past since that day and my memory from that time keeps getting blurry and blurry each day.  Although I want to remember, somehow I just can't, it's as if there's some sort of huge wall blocking that part of my memory and I just can't break it. 

A lot of my friends from school noticed that I've been kind of spacing out a lot the past few days since that happened, they say it's like I was always lost in deep thought, like my mind is leaving my body and floating off somewhere. I tried to hide it and just went back to my usual jolly self, but a lot of people still noticed that there was something wrong with me. Until eventually my parents came up and asked me about it. I didn't know what to say them because even I can't understand it myself. I've always felt like there was something missing in my life and I was used to that already, but now, that feeling of emptiness has grown stronger, like there's a void inside my heart that keeps getting bigger and bigger everyday. When I told my mom and dad that nothing was wrong they just said 'okay'. But I knew that nothing was okay and that they're still worried about me, so they decided that we should have a family vacation during winter break.

"Kyouhei, what do you say we go to New York for Christmas this year?" My mom asked while we were having dinner.

"New York?" I asked.

"That's a great idea!" Dad said "We don't get to spend Christmas together ever year so this would be a great opportunity to relax and have some family time."

I didn't like the idea of going out of the country for the holidays, in fact I just don't like the idea of traveling at all, it's exhausting. But my mom and dad were so persistent and Youhei actually agreed to the idea so I had no other choice but to say yes. We all agreed to take the family plane for our trip to New York, we left a week before Christmas, talk about excited right?

Honestly, it wasn't such a bad idea after all. I really did have a lot of fun and that trip did get my mind off of things.

At least that's what's I thought, until...

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