Furry Surprise

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Millie's POV.

"Millie! Honey! I need you a minute!" I heard my mom call. I get up from the sofa. I left Ava with Finn as I went to see what my mom wanted.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask my mom.

"I'm heading out. I'll be back soon. Could you, Charlie and Paige have the house clean for when I come home. I need this place spotless when I get home." I nod to my mom. Another day of cleaning. I mean... The house isn't even dirty. I didn't even bother asking what for. "Thank you. Me and your dad will be home soon as." My mom grabs her bag and kisses me before walking by Ava and kissing her head before heading to the front door. "Bye everyone!"

"Bye!" We all say at once. I head into the living room. I went to grab my phone and text Paige and Charlie to come downstairs.

"Hey Finn. My mom had me to do the cleaning along with Charlie and Paige. Could you keep an eye on Ava? Get her a snack if she's hungry and a drink if she's thirsty." I tell Finn whilst he sat next to Ava.

"Okay." He answered. I smiled and thanked him.


After cleaning the whole house. Charlie went back upstairs and Paige sat in the living room with me, finn and Ava. We was watching TV not noticing the front door opening. We heard a bark which caught our attention.

"What was that?" Paige asked jumping our her skin.

"Hello guys." I heard my mom call. She popped her head round the frame work.

"What was that noise?" I ask.

"Oh just a little surprise for the family." She said. It looked like she was hiding something. We didn't see but heard Charlies voice.

"OMG! A dog!" Charlie said out loud.


"Wait!" Paige butted in.

"A dog!" Ava spoke. A smile on her face.

"Thanks Charlie." I heard my dad say. "Go in the living room." Charlie came through and rubbed his hands together.

"And thanks to Charlie. Yes we have a dog now." My mom spoke at the door.

"Can we see it?" I ask.

"Here." The dog runs in and it was a English Mastiff.

I got up and went to stroke the dog. Paige and Charlie did too. Ava leaned forward but couldn't reach. I moved her close to the hedge holding Ava so she doesn't fall.

"Can we keep him?"

"It's a her. And yeah. It's our new family member now." I smiled and looked to Ava. Maybe this is for Ava. Since her return home. My mom left the room. I asked Finn to look after Ava whilst I go see my mom.

I follow her into the kitchen.

"I know why you got her." I told my mom. She looks to me.


"Yeah. It's so Ava doesn't get left alone. And the dog would be able to stay downstairs with her. It's basically Ava's pet. Otherwise you would of got her before Ava came home." I think I crack the case.

"Okay. But she is ours. She's part of the family. She's not just Ava's. She all of ours." My mom said.

"What's her name?" I ask.

"I thought all of you would want to name her." I smile and head back into the living room.

"What should we call her?" I ask the family. They all started spitting out names that came into their heads.

"How about Eilish?" Paige says.

"Martha!" Charlie said.

"I want her name to be Dolly." Ava spoke. Both of my older siblings froze and then soon agreed.

"Dolly it is!" They say. Ava was so happy. I finally get a new family member. I look to Finn and he looks to me. We smile and sit next to each other stroking Dolly. Our new family pet. That's a first.

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