I Love You

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I opened my eyes hoping that I was at home with my family. That everything that happened didn't and we were all safe. I turned and saw Finn sleeping. Awwww. Hes a cute when he's sleeping. I tapped him once and his eyes starting opening.

"Finn..." I call.

"Yeah." He says focusing his attention to me.

"I love you." I didn't think. It came out and I had no control over it.

"I love you too." He smiles which makes me smile too.

"Can you two get a room?" Paige spoke and moved in her seat. Just before I was about to turn, mom and dad come out, looking worrying as always. Me, Paige, Charlie and finn stood up and rushed to mom and dad.

"Any news?" Charlie asks. I could see the tears coming from moms eyes. They didn't look happy.

"The doctors said they have to put Ava into a coma." My dad told us. Just then my heart jumped. Coma? Why? It was one fall.

"Oh my god." Paige says and sits down.

"is there anything we can do?" I ask.

"No. We can't do anything. We have to let them until they get her tests back about her brain. Whether it will function properly or not." My dad was worried and had sob in his sentences. "I'm scared." He says before placing his arm round my mom and hugging her. I turned to Finn. He leaned and hugged me. I couldn't get through this without him. Where would I be without him?

Younger Us [SEQUEL]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ