41 Drops

119 11 0

"Take care now. And be safe on your walk home." Tom waves at me from behind the counter.

I declined his offer to give me a ride back. I want to feel the cool night air on my skin again and feel alive. And think.

I wave back at him and smile. I love this guy. He's like the grandfather I never had.

The door closes behind me with a jangle and I take a deep breath. Ice fills my lungs. It wakes me up.

Luckily, the signal had already turned green. It's turning yellow as I get to the curb. Then the walking sign glows on the opposite side. And I set my foot upon the blacktop.

A rush of air. A black shadow. The smell of gasoline fills the air.

I feel a presence behind me and whisk around.

But I don't have a chance to catch a glimpse of whoever is behind me.

Rain CatcherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora