Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt

Start from the beginning

"I know how we can decide who's stronger," She declares smugly.

Thor pauses, and arches an eyebrow, "How?"

"A simple display of strength. Whoever does the most push-ups wins!"

I balk, Thor's always been good at those, he has way more core strength then I do. But perhaps not anymore.

Thor smirks and waggles his eyebrows at me, "What say you, little brother?"

I cringe, revulsion clawing through me. I hate when he calls me little. And I hate the nagging voice in my head that agrees with him and everyone who thinks they're better than me! I shrug my feelings away and give Thor a devilish grin, "I will crush you without breaking a sweat!"

Thor lays down on the ground and props himself into position, "Count us off, Kamilla," he orders. I get in position next to Thor, determined to show him up.

"Ready, set, go!"

Immediately Thor and I are moving quickly, our arms pumping up and down as fast as possible while Kamilla keeps track, counting aloud.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..."

We are up to eight hundred by the time I start to feel tired. Sweat beads on my forehead and my arms start to quiver, but I keep pushing myself. I've faced worse than a little arm pain. I try to detach myself from the pain in my body and focus solely on winning.

"Give up yet?" Thor taunts with a crooked smile, as he continues moving.

Indignation burns within me, the more certain he is of himself, the more determined I am to prove him wrong. "Not in the least." I say casually, my voice calm and collected. I call forth my magic and am about to use it to enhance myself when Kamilla interrupts me, "Hey! No magic Loki, that's cheating!"

"No tricks!" Thor snaps, annoyance tinging his words.

"Fine." I force myself to keep going, but by the time we get to two thousand my arms are noticeably shaking. I just need to push myself a little bit longer. My thoughts begin to spiral downwards into a familiar pattern of despair. I'm tired of Thor seeing me as broken and inadequate.

Sometimes I can't bare the way he looks at me, it's like I'm a stranger to him. But I am determined to prove myself to him, anything else is unacceptable! I scowl, and I certainly won't lose to him in front of a mere human! I glance at Thor whose brow is furrowed; he's slowed down slightly and grunts as he moves, but he doesn't show any signs of stopping. I'm dripping with sweat and my hands are slick, but I refuse to let him think he can beat me.

"Two thousand five hundred and fifty-six," Kamilla continues counting sounding bored, as she munches on a sugar cookie.

More sweat pools beneath my hands, and I continue to push myself until suddenly my left hand slips out beneath me and I crumble to the floor. I curse myself inwardly as I fall flat on my stomach.

"And the winner is, THOR!" Kamilla announces proudly, as she throws her hands in the air happily.

Thor hops to his feet and mock bows, "Thank you, thank you. Twas nothing, really."

I stand up quickly, cursing myself for being weak and try to hide my embarrassment by adjusting my jacket, "Don't get cocky, I let you win," I lie smoothly.

Thor rolls his eyes as Kamilla pipes in, "Sure you did."

Then she smiles playfully and waves her hand casting some sort of spell on Thor. My eyes widen when I realize what she's doing, but Kamilla doesn't break eye contact with me as she raises her finger to her lips, and makes a shushing motion. I narrow my eyes at her and glance at Thor ready to protect him from whatever foolishness she's concocted. Suddenly a small pink, curly tail sprouts from Thor's behind. I gasp when I realize Kamilla's given Thor a pig tail, and that Thor is completely oblivious. Kamilla grins and puts her arm around Thor giving his shoulder a squeeze, "Thor you are without a doubt the strongest man on this ship! You are a boar of a man!"

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