Chapter Twenty-eight: Worried Mochi

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There's darkness and that's all there is it's all I see. It's cold and it feels foggy, but there's no fog there's nothing. My body feels nothing no pain or tingling sensation I feel numb. My mouth tingles with a sensation of a sweets taste, however. It leaves a trail of mint chocolate flavoring.

I groan as I gently and carefully open my eyes to prevent me from blinding myself. I slowly lift my fingers in order to regain my senses back. Once my eyes open up my eyes roam around the room. It's my room my sheets and beside sleeps a gorgeous man.

He looks peaceful when asleep almost like there's nothing worrying him. There's no pain in his face like nothing caused him pain, like no one cause him pain, but it's all a lie a dream. I think back to all the times I drunkenly abused him and damaged him. All the times I've left him crying only to start up again.

"What an idiot." I whisper under my breath angry at myself for what I've done. Moments after I verbally downgrade myself Jimin begins to stir in his sleep. He lifts his head up rubbing his closed eye with his small fist. Then a yawn escapes his mouth as he lets his eyes open a crack. I stare at him until he notices and then throws himself to stand up.

He bows at a ninety degree angle then gets back up with a worried look on his face. My only question is if he's worried about me, or worried that I'll do something to him? "What's wrong?" I ask the boy in a croaky voice. His eyes look filled with tears as he stands there just watching me. He finally answers, "I want to know if you're feeling okay. Do you need anything?" He sniffles as he questions me.

I shake my head too uneasy to reply as he only nods his head his gaze still not leaving me. I sigh as I lift myself up with the palm of my hands on either side of me. He rushes over to me and helps me to the best of his abilities. That's when I notice the tiny circular cut on his Thenar eminence. Subconsciously, I grip at his wrist and bring it closer to my face.

I look up at him staring him dead in the eyes. There's fear laced in them along with sadness. I question the man beside me, "Did I do this to you? Is it your blood I taste in my mouth?" The man hesitantly nods and all I can do is sigh at his response. Jaebum really wasn't my soulmate at all. It was a lie and now I'm stuck with this human for a soulmate.

"I won't touch you anymore, sexually I mean. Don't worry anymore. Even if you're my soulmate this doesn't change things between us only I won't touch you anymore." I state strongly repeating that I will no longer inappropriately touch him.

He nods his head his eyes casted downwards as he asks, "Is there anything I can get you?" I shake my head once again and allow him to leave. Once I'm left alone in my room I pull the covers over my head and fall into sweet slumber.


Jimin's pov:

It's been a day since master told me he would no longer touch me and he's kept his word, but along with his word he also became distant. He rarely glances my way or talks to me. On the rare occasion he'll call for me, but it's only to grab him paperwork from another destination in the room.

Jin notices my strange and far off behavior as he taps on my shoulder to gain my attention. I look at the sweet man and he questions me worriedly, "You've been off lately Jiminine. Is he abusing you again?" I shake my head replying with a simple no not wanting to really portray my feelings.

He squeezes my shoulder giving me a reassuring smile. I knew he would catch onto my hesitance, "He's accepted that I'm his soulmate, but doesn't care to see me as his partner." I sigh as I raise my gaze from the table I was cleaning and see master. He turns around with a smile as three men follow behind him. For a brief moment we lock eyes and I feel butterflies in my stomach. The feeling goes away as fast as it came since he turns back to the men shaking their hand firmly.

"Glass of water Jimin, please." Master asks me as the three men finally leave. I tap on Jins shoulder. "I'll finish the rest of the cleaning you can go ahead and check on Namjoon." I say to Jin who nods gratefully at me before rushing off. I rush to the kitchen to grab master his glass of water.

When I return he's no longer there I question where he could be and check the three main places he could he lingering in. All three are left without a trace of him and so I head off to his room. He's sitting on his bed looking weary and tired. His usual pale skin a lighter shade than usual. I walk over to him and hand him the cold glass of water. He thanks me then allows me to leave.

Instead of leaving I ask, "Are you feeling well, master?" He nods his head not firmly, but hesitantly almost as if he is questioning himself. "Are you sure you're alright?" I query worried he's not feeling well but deciding to keep it to himself. I watch his figure carefully taking in the details of his tiredness. He looks the same as he did the time he was feeling thirst for blood.

I pull at my long grey sweater revealing some more of my neck. He looks at me questioningly his eyes squinting almost as if he catches on to what I'm doing. His eyes look at me daringly. I move closer to him feeling like I have the upper hand. "Master, if you're hunger it's fine just say the words and you'll start to feel better."

I tug at my sweater some more now revealing my shoulder as I take bigger steps towards him. I drop to his knees as he watches my ever move cautiously. He chugs some of his water. I tilt my head to the side trying my best to tempt him into getting the fill he requires. "I don't care so long as you get better, master" I emphasize the master word in order to remind him he owns me no matter what.

He puts his glass down. His hands go to my shoulders and he grips at them, "You're doing this on purpose, so this will be your punishment." He says. He brings his lips closer to my neck. My heart races from nervousness and fear. He places a tiny kiss and I'm left surprised. He places another tiny kiss and another until finally he begins to suck on the supple skin of my neck.

He's drawing some more blood to the area. He then opens his mouth as his fangs are left on display. He pierces two tiny holes into my neck. I feel a sharp prickle for a second and then pleasure washes over me as he begins to suck on the flesh slowly and carefully digging his fangs deeper into my skin. His cold lips move slightly as he sucks up some of the blood tickling me skin.

At this point the pain went away and I'm no longer scared just pleased. He finally lifts his lips off of my neck and pulls away from me. A dribble of my blood lays on the corner of his lips and he licks it away with his tongue. I watch his crimson red eyes glow as they stare deeply in to mine. "Are you feeling better?" I ask him with a small smile and he nods his head looking much more healthier and refreshed compared to before. He thanks me and I leave the room his bite mark covered by my sweater.

I continue the rest of my chores for the day and then head off to check of Namjoon and Jin but don't get very far when I hear light groans and the cream of the bed from Namjoon's room. "Guess he's not that sick." I say to no one in particular as I walk off into my room.

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