Chapter Six: Sweet Nightmares

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Jimin's pov:

I tuck my legs inwards as I hold my knees to my chest. My heart beats rapidly, almost as if it's about to run away from body. My hands tremble violently as I try and clam my breathing. Squeezing my eyes shut a dull thud echos into my ears. I open my eyes.

As I see the sight in front of me I scream my lungs out. My scream causes one of the men to look down and spot me. I let go of my knees and begin to crawl from under the desk to run away. Unfortunately, my arm is yanked back. My spine shivers as I see the menacing look the man gives me.

A sick smirk is plastered on his lips as he forces me to look at the body that lay on the floor. Red stains the once white carpet with more blood splatter. He drags me closer to the body. Their eyes wide with horror as they saw the last of their moments alive. The man laughs wickedly.

"Do you like the look of-

I wake up covered in sweat. My heart thumps loudly in my chest as I release heavy breaths. It was all a dream. I look around and notice I'm still in the exact same room. My breathing calms and my sweat turn cold.

I lay back down on the mattress letting myself catch my breath. Warm liquid seeps out of my eyes as I think about the dream. I hug myself as I curl into a ball. Small flashes of the horrendous nightmare flash in my eyes. Even if I want to sleep I can't, so I let myself lay on the bed motionless.

In the perspective of someone else I would have looked dead. A motionless, emotionless, empty, numb carcass is the best way to describe the way I looked as I lay on the bed. It's also a perfect example of how I feel inside. Sleep wants to take me, however I force myself to stay awake in fear of having another nightmare. So, instead of laying on the bed I decide to leave to get a glass of water.

My warm flesh touches the cold floor. I lightly walk over to the door and open it as quietly as possible. I timidly walk down the stares and into the kitchen only to see the lights already on. I poke my head slightly into the kitchen. Surprised, I allow the rest of my body to enter the kitchen as I see master asleep on the kitchen table.

His head rests upon his left arm as a pen hangs limply between his fingers. I stare at his figure for a little longer wondering whether I should wake him and take him to bed, or grab a blanket and let him sleep on the table. I decide to got with the first option. Carefully I place my hand on his shoulder and shake him lightly.

"M-master," no response I shake him a little harder, "Master, wake up." This time he stirs in his sleep. My eyes widen in pure shock as he gets up. I stare at his face slowly backing away. However, I'm even more surprised when he embraces me with a tight hug. I stand still not hugging back. His voice rings in a whisper close to my ear, "I-I've missed you, Jaebum."

I lightly push him back and he finally wakes up. His eyes open and he looks at me confused. "Master, yo-you feel asleep while working, so I decided to wake you up so you could get to bed." He nods his head, but continues to look at me. I start to feel nervous so I question, "Did I do something? Is thee something on my face?" He shakes his head then asks, "Have you been crying?"

I lower my head to prevent him from still having sight of my face. I nod my head while still keeping it low. A small tsk can be heard coming from his mouth, "What happened? What made you cry?" I fiddle my thumbs as I begin to speak, "I-I just had a b-bad dream is all." I look at him through my bangs as he nods and starts to walk toward the refrigerator.

He pulls out two cold bottles of water and hands one to me. I bow thanking him and he hums in response as he takes a gulp of his. I chug some of my water as well and release a sigh of content as I finish. "I'm sorry for asking, but who is Jaebum?" Once my ears reach what I asked I start to curse myself for asking.

Before I can even take back what I said he questions me, "Where did you hear that name?" I stare into his icy eyes, "You said it in your sleep, and you don't have to answer, I'm sorry." I bow down, but he shakes his head and begins, "Jaebum, was someone very special to me. He was, well...he was one of the greatest people in my life." I nod my head as my ears perk at his response.

"What made him so special?" I ask once again. "You've got quite the questions, don't you?" master says causing my cheeks to flush red. He chuckles, "He's special, because he was the first to make my heart flutter." I look at him with curious eyes and he continues his story. "He was my first love, and soon before I knew it he became my last...," he has a different expression this time. A sad tint glistens in his bark like colored orbs. Is silent for a while, "...he could always stoke up a conversation to make me smile, and he did the weirdest of things that looked just so darn cute in front of my eyes."

I smile at the thought of master being in love with someone. He sighs before reaching over to his papers and placing them away in their rightful place. He speaks a little quieter now as he organizes his papers, "But, none of that matters anymore, because he wanted money." My smile drops and when he finishes placing the papers away he taps my shoulder, "Warm milk with honey should help you sleep." He says with a small smile as he leaves.

Before he can completely leave I tug on his shirt lightly and mumble a small, "Thank you" and he replies with a simple hum as he continues to walk to his bed room. I smile as the image of master smiling appears in my mind. After getting a cup of milks and honey I walk back to my room and sleep warmer with the thought of a smiling, master.


A/N: yay another chap! I feel a little warmer with this one cause Yoongi is finally starting to open up, and it seems like Jimin is catching feelings. Welp, please vote and comment 👌

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