Sleepover Part Two

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Y/n's Pov

   The day went by pretty fast. Honestly I was expecting it to be a drag having to go to a new place without really knowing anyone, but it was really awesome. I looked back down at the envelope as Cartman left. I wonder what they'll have us talk about? Boobs? Ass? Justin Timberlake? Boys in general? I mean I would totally be fine with the Justin Timberlake option but still. Ugh. 

"Ow." I looked up and saw Greg on the ground.

   "Sorry, Greg. I wasn't paying attention." He took the hand I offered.

   "It's whatever, but my name isn't Greg. It's Craig." I sheepishly laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.

   "Right! My bad, I'm still learning names." I saw him looking down.

   "Uh- Craig?" He looked back up and saw my slightly flushed face and immediately realized what I was thinking.

   "I wasn't staring at your boobs. I was looking at the envelope that looks like a unicorn with diabetes died on it."  His face was dusted with pink but he kept his stoic face present. 

   "Oh, right. There's this sleepover at Heidi's and I was invited. I don't typically murder unicorns for parties." I nudged him and chuckled. 

   "Noted, anyways, see you around." He flipped me off and I returned the favor. Though I swear I hear a squeal from him as he turned. You do you my dude. I went out the doors and started walking home. I probably should have waited for Cartman. 

   I walked through the door and was greeted by my biological mother. "Hello sweetie, how was your first day of school?" 

   "Pretty good! I made new friends I suppose, but I was invited to a sleepover. It's cool if I go, right?" She hesitated.

   "Well, sugar plum, Eric really missed you-" I cut her off.

   "Not to be rude, but we barely even knew each other, I mean I was separated from him when he was four. You can't really miss something you never had." She looked at my pained face with her own.

   "I know it was hard. But Eric remembers you, I'm sure. Besides he ran out of the house without his hat just to tell you goodbye. Of course you'll be waking up at the same time from now on, but understand he misses you and wants to spend time with you. Ask him if you can go, if he agrees then fine." I thought he was just being an asshole this morning. I suddenly felt guilty. 

    Speak of the devil. Cartman bursts through the door with a footage tape in his hand. "You bitch! Why didn't you wait?!"

   "Sorry, I'm used to coming home alone." I scratched the back of my neck. "Anyways, You wanna play so Mario Kart before I have to get ready?" 

   "No! I don't have time for that! The guys are coming over for a meeting!" He was literally flailing his arms running to the basement. Hmph. 

   I went upstairs to pack . . . I wonder what their meeting is about?

(Cut to Clyde slamming his fist on the table "You sir mocked Cartman before but yet you two sit here demanding answers, now damn you let him speak!" *everyone is quaking*) 

   "Cartman! I'm leaving! Are you going to walk me?" I yelled from the top of the stairs. 

   I heard him mutter, "Dumb bitch," he continued normally, "Yeah! I'll be right up!" Missed me my ass. The guys came up I assumed they were all leaving. They were all gawking, mainly Bill and Kenny. Pervs. Not like I have anything bad on. I'm in my pigtails and wearing one of my dads shirts. It covers me to my mid thigh so I thought it was fine. 

   "Ay! Y/n! Put some pants on! You losers stop looking at my sister and respect my authoritah!" 

   "No let her keep the pants off." I rolled my eyes at Kenny. 

   "Ugh. Let's just go." I grabbed my bag and started out the door regretting asking Eric to take me. He wouldn't stop complaining about how I could get raped and how the insecurity guy couldn't help. I think he's going crazy. I knocked on the door and I heard taps on feet getting louder and louder as well as Eric's mouth. I slapped my hand over it just as the door opened.

   "Y/n!- Cartman. What is he doing here?" I deadpanned. He licked my hand.

   "Gross!" I wiped my hand on his sleeve as he was laughing. "He's my dumb brother. See ya Eric." I hugged him. He pushed me away. 

   "Be home at 12:00 sharp tomorrow!" I nodded my head and stepped into her house. This'll be fun!

   We continued to walk inside her house, specifically downstairs. "Y/n!" I whipped my head around and saw Mable. 

   "Hey!" She hugged me. 

   "Im so glad you could come! We were just starting to talk about boys!" Oh shit. 

   "Oh . . . fun." I drew out fun with a higher toned voice. I joined the girls in a circle, Marjorine looked like she was uncomfortable too. 

   "Nichole, how are you and Token?" The girls 'ooed' as Nichole blushed, "We're doing well! I'm just scared Eric is going to get involved again." Again?

   "Mable! Anyone you're interested in? Being new and all." Mable smiled.

   "Of course! There are so many hotties, but honestly I kinda like David. He sorta reminds me of my ex." The girls 'ooed' and proceeded to sing the kissing in the tree song. 

   "Y/n's new too! What do you think?" I instantly choked up. 

   "M-Me? Ah, well, you know, uh-" Bebe smirked.

   "It's okay girl! Spill the tea~" The others agreed.

   "W-well, I mean, I just met everyone so I can't really judge efficiently, but Kyle is really cute and Craig is charming." 

   "Good choice! I dated him once, Kyle is super sweet! Though I thought Kyle and your brother hate each other." Nichole gave me a sad smile. Wendy chimed in.

   "Whatever, who cares, the fat tub of lard's opinion doesn't mean anything anyway. We have your back." I swear I heard Eric screech. Probably just in my head.  

   "You girls want to do fortunes?" Marjorine looked desperate. 

  "Or we could dance and sing to Justin Timberlake?" Bebe offered. My eyes lit up and Mable and I furiously screamed yes. 

*A few minuets later* 

"sAy SoMeThInG i'M gIvInG uP oN yOu!" Marjorine came back down and had a slightly angry look on her face.

"Can we do fortunes now?" We all agreed and played for a while. "Can I try?" Asked Marjorine. Red handed her the fortune teller paper and suddenly Marjorine stepped back onto the stairs saying that she had fun but her job was done? We followed her upstairs and saw that Marjorine was actually Butters and the boys were there running away.

Bebe broke the confused silence, "Should we make a new one?" All I could think about is if they overheard what we were saying.


Sorry this is really late but whatever, also sorry if this sucks im writing it at 3:00 am lol.

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