Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel

Start from the beginning

I take the ipad hesitantly, not wanting to break up their brotherly bonding.

"Actually, I'm quite tired of video games, I think I'll retire to my room and read." Loki announces his voice distant as he stands up and vanishes. My shoulders slump and I feel that familiar sting of rejection, when Thor remarks from beside me, "I'm sorry, Milla. Just give him some time, he'll warm up to you eventually."

I spin around, my eyes downcast feeling so raw and bitter that hate surges forward to take its place. I hate Loki!

Thor puts a large hand on my shoulder to comfort me, "You know, there are tons of movies and TV shows on these things that we can watch together. What do you say? We've got plenty of time to kill until we reach Nidavellir, want to watch a comedy with me?"

I nod, not trusting myself to speak, then Thor takes the ipad from my hand and sits down on my new bed against the window and begins scrolling until his eyes light up. "Ooh, this is a funny one. Come watch with me, you're gonna love this!"

I sit down next to him, enjoying his familiar warmth and stare at the screen as the movie begins to play, but even though my eyes are watching, my mind is a million miles away. My thoughts are drawn back to when I was in middle school. Being a foster kid in school meant that most kids would steer clear of me, like I was an infection they were terrified to catch. As if being an orphan was some kind of contagious disease. One day, during recess I was so lonely, that I asked a group of girls who were playing a game in the library, if I could join them. But they only laughed in my face and told me they wouldn't be caught dead breathing the same air as me. My stomach twists in painful knots, I hadn't thought about middle school in years. I've spent so long trying to blot out all of my painful memories, that I'm always surprised when they come floating back up. I harden myself against the pain. So what! I'm twenty four years old now, I'm not going to let a bunch of irrelevant twelve year old bullies bother me! I have a new family now. One that would drive them mad with jealousy if they knew! Thor's laughing pulls me from my thoughts, and I force myself to focus on the movie. And by the time The Princess Bride has ended, Thor's stomach is growling loudly.

"How about some dinner? I'll make you the Captain's specialty!" Thor offers waggling his eyebrows excitedly.

"Yeah, sure. That sounds good." I reply somewhat distracted.

Thor climbs to his feet adding, "Alright, go fetch my brother and let him know." He pauses, then adds with a shrug, "Although I doubt, he'll eat a second time today."

"What do you mean?"

"No, nothing, it's nothing to worry about." Thor replies quickly as he leaves the room.

I follow Thor into the kitchen then walk around him and go knock on the bedroom door as Thor begins banging open cupboards and rifling through drawers.

When I get no reply, I open the door and step inside. Loki's sitting on the bed reading Frankenstein and doesn't look up when I approach.

"Thor's making dinner, if you're hungry." He doesn't respond so I walk closer, moving slowly, careful not to spook him.

"I know you're upset. And I really am sorry for shouting at you." I say gently, "I didn't realize it at first, but now I get it. You think I'm trying to come between you and Thor."

"You dare assume to know my thoughts?" He snaps his voice clipped.

I do my best not to react and reply calmly, "No I'm not trying to assume. I just... I just want you to know that I understand, and that I'm not trying to come between you."

He seems startled for a moment then his features smooth over. I sit down on the opposite end of the bed and study him, trying to get into his head.

"What?" He snaps impatiently.

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