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Chaeyoung walked across the hallways that were currently empty. Students were either gone home, stayed in detention, studying, or they stayed in clubs which is what Chae wanted to see.

She went up the stairs, careful not to trip over them. Her hands trailed gently on the railing, feeling the slightly rusted metal.

Going through the second pair of stairs she finally made it through the half the hallway, and counted the classrooms 'til she got the twelfth room on the high floor.

Coming upon the number 12 she hesitated to knock.

"Take a deep breath." She said to herself, inhaling the air inside the school, bringing her knuckled to hit it against the wooden door.

A boy about her age, maybe younger opened the door, peeking his head out. He had slightly bloodshot eyes, though he looked like he's tried hard to cover it up.

"May I help you?" He asked in a stable voice, passing his sleeve over his eyes catching another tear that almost escaped his socket.

Chaeyoung held up the piece of paper, not talking.

He opened the door more, and let her in.
"...You wanna join?" He asked shyly, closing the door shut, walking right behind her.

She nodded, and kept quiet, holding the paper together with her hands.

Suddenly a taller, more serious looking male approached the two of them with an interest clearly evident in his eyes.

"Hyung. She wants to join." The male said. The black-haired male smiled softly, before looking at the female in front of him.

"Renjun. Let me talk to her privately. You need to calm down, so go lay down and relax. We'll talk about your situation in a bit. Promise." The male said in a clear, yet quiet tone.

He nodded, and walked away in a slumped way.

The male looked at the girl standing right before him, fiddling with the paper between her fingers, playing around with it out of slight anxiety.

She used to be more confident. But after being cheated her self-esteem was below standards.

"What's your case." He asked, taking a step closer to the shorter girl.
She looked up at him with eyes threatening to spill a river.

"Heartbreak...cheated." She said. Her voice slightly cracked at the end, making her go a bit quiet.

Her wrist started hurting all the sudden. It had always done that for some reason. It had always started hurting every time she got hurt, or cried emotionally.

He looked at her with sympathy, and a saddened look in his eyes.
"If you don't mind me asking...how broken?" He asked.

"Nearly unrepairable." She answered shakily. She swallowed the rock in her throat that had been trying to keep her from talking.

The male reached out his hand.

She reached out hers, and shook it. She was gonna pull back but she noticed he wasn't letting go, making her a bit uncomfortable. "Sorry." He quickly apologized, letting go.
She nodded.

"We opened this club for people who are near their breaking point. People who haven't loved, or ever felt like loving. Most of them think they're too young to love, but love cannot be determined. Love is an unexpected emotion. An unconditional one. Love can be our weakness, and our strength at the same time. Love can make us feel powerful. But it makes us vulnerable too. Love can make intellectuals do stupid things. Love can break the unbreakable. Because often we listen to our hearts. But listening to our hearts isn't always bad. Trust me when I tell you...it's not always bad. All you need is a break from all the heartbreak to stand back up strong.
I can see how broken you are...how it's hard for you to even talk..." He preached high such an emotion. Chaeyoung felt the words hit her right away, giving her a bit of hope, and maybe a tiny bit of confidence. At least to speak more. She choked back tears, trying not the break down in front of the stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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