Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers

Start from the beginning

I scoff. "Of course not! Don't be ridiculous!" I protest, my pulse quickening.

"You sure about that?" He asks with a smirk, squinting his goofy blue eyes in disbelief.

I grimace. "Not in a million years! Not a chance in hell! Not even if he were the last man on Earth, or in the entire galaxy."

He puts his hands up in surrender, "Okay, I get it. No need to panic, I was just a bit curious."

"I was there when you mourned him, remember? I saw how devastated you were, and I wanted to be the one to reunite you with him."

His smile is wide and breezy, his white teeth gleaming in the dim cabin light. "And I am so glad you did."

I smile back at him then try to change the subject. "So... what are the Guardians of the Galaxy really like?"

"They're a hoot, you're going to love them! After we leave Nidavellir I'll introduce you to them, and you can join my humble little crew." He replies his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"I would love that."

"Good, it's settled then."

"Great." I hesitate, "Um, you didn't leave your brother to drive the ship, did you?"

"Don't be silly Milla, it's on autopilot."

"That's a relief. Perhaps we should keep an eye on him? Just to make sure he doesn't try anything." I add still not trusting Loki.

Thor waggles his eyebrows knowingly, "Yes, let's check in on him, shall we?"

I groan, "Shut up!" I elbow him in the ribs then stroll out of the bedroom as Thor follows me out. I shake my head trying to dislodge my silly grin. Man, I've missed that goofball! I pass through the kitchen and arrive in the front of the ship to see Loki serenely sitting in the pilot's chair with his feet propped up on the dashboard. When he takes in Thor's and my jovial mood, he scowls darkly.

I can't resist the impulse; there's never been a better time to poke a bear.

"Bad news Loki dear, there are only two beds, so it looks like you're sleeping on the floor tonight." I tease, itching to get under his skin.

"I will do no such thing." He replies haughtily, without lifting his gaze.

"Where's your sense of hospitality brother? We can't have a guest as wonderful as Kamilla sleeping on the floor."

"Then by all means brother, share your bed." Loki snaps impatiently.

"Very funny, but since I'm the captain and this is my ship, the honor will most certainly be yours." Thor retorts, giving me a mischievous wink. I punch Thor's large arm angrily in response.

Loki dramatically rolls his eyes, before countering, "You are aware that I can use my magic to conjure a third bed."

Thor ignores my punch and claps Loki on the shoulder decisively, "Well then by all means, get to it."

Loki unfolds his long limbs gracefully, muttering under his breath then he flourishes his hands, green magic unspooling from his fingers. A small and plain cot appears behind me, beneath a large window and I jump forward in surprise.

Thor cocks his head and smirks. "Come now Loki, that's hardly fitting as tribute for the woman who saved your life."

Loki huffs and flicks his wrist, this time making the bed bigger and furnishing it with a soft, fuzzy, pink blanket with large frilly pink pillows.

"Yuck, really? Pink?" I snap, before waving my hand and making the ruffles disappear as the pink pillows turn to sparkly gold. Then I use my magic to change the blankets color to a deep dark shade of burgundy. "That's better, now it's fit for a Queen!"

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