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"Grandpa!? What's this?"

Aizawa turned around to see his granddaughter waddling up to him, holding a book that was clearly too big for her. Seeing it nearly gave him a heart attack, she was so cute. Her hair wound back in dusty blonde curls, black strands interwoven between the blonde, tied into a braid that met at the back. She was wearing a Ground Zero brand children's dress, with a little orange X printed on the bottom. He scooped up the little mess, moving over to a chair and opening the book, helping her crawl onto his lap. When he opened the book he couldn't help but hold back his surprise.

"It looks like a photo album." He said, turning the first page and opening a little built in pocket. He pulled out a black metal eye patch, Anzu's symbol carved into it, stained slightly red from overuse. The paint was chipping off a bit, with several knife slashes and dents pushed into it. He immediately recognized it as the first eye patch she had ever received, the one she gave to Bakugou before she returned to that room so long ago. He smiled thinking about those old memories, and noticed the girl pick up the contraption in her little fingers. She began to take off her own plastic eyepatch, and he knew she wanted to try it on.

"Careful, you don't want to open that eye. You could blow something up on accident." He said, referring to her left eye and helping her put on her mother's old one, noticing the fact it was far too big for her. It was a shame her quirk manifested so early, she now had to wear an eye patch full time unless she wanted to spontaneously combust any random objects. None the less she looked up at him, the black metal covering half her face, but still looking undeniably cute.

"What do you think? Do I look like mom?" She asked, shining her little crimson eye up at him as playfully as his son in law. He pocked her freckled nose with a smile and only had to tap on it for the contraption to fall off.

"I think you'll grow into it." He said, helping her put her old one back on, as she began to open the book further. The first page was black, with the words cabin on it. She opened it to see a quaint little cabin in the woods, snow covering every inch of it. In front of it, she saw her parents in hiking gear, the words; Just graduated. Written next to it.

"Why'd they go to a creepy cabin after they graduated?" She asked, staring at it, her nose scrunched up in confusion. Aizawa snickered at her, turning the page to show her the story line that went with it. Bakugou and Anzu were sitting on the balcony of the top peak, a sunset behind them. It was the same platform they had previously hiked up, the one he promised to take her back to. This dumb ass got us lost half way up. The words were clearly written in her mother's handwriting, a picture of a very frustrated Bakugou to accompany it. The map they were using was very clearly burning in his hands.

"That was somewhere your parents and I went when we were escaping some bad people. They wanted to go back under less stressful conditions." He said, trying to avoid the topic of her mother's murder case all together. He had sworn an oath to never tell the child about Ketsurui, and to that he had sworn his life. He didn't intend to break it. She turned the next page to see a frame by frame picture. Her much younger mother was standing in the kitchen, taking a selfie with her father while he chopped up some form of ingredients. He was frowning at the camera was the happiness was evident in his eyes. The next frame was of Bakugou holding an icing bag in front of what looked to be a cake. Next to it was written : We finally made a cake that didn't taste like nothing but salt. The next frame of pictures was Bakugou putting icing on her face, the picture blurred from the fast movement of Anzu trying to get away, Bakugou's arm wrapped unmovingly around her waist. The last frame was of them on the ground, it seemed she had jumped on him after he did that. They were both smiling.... until the last frame, of her father attempting to lick to frosting off her face and her mother having one the most appalled faces she had ever seen. Next to it, Your fathers a little shit. Aizawa flipped a couple more pages to the next section labeled; Work. Next to it was a news article, stating;

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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