A Safe Place

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                   Aizawa made one final turn into the front of the complex. Snow was blizzarding so hard outside, it could be heard against the walls of the sound, metal car. Little white crystals flew through the air, blinding the world white and staining everything to the point of no return. Bakugou stared lazily out the window, practically feeling the dark circles under his eyes sagging. All he had seen for hours was a moving shadow of white, smoldering but kept silent. Aizawa looked more tired than humanly possible, and Bakugou was shocked he hadn't collapsed. He had started driving at three in the morning, and ending with a nine hour car ride, now preparing to rough the weather and care for two sick students. Yet not one complaint from either of them. The car was warm... enough. Bakugou felt it was too hot, but knew it was only from the injury and kept his mouth shut for Aizawa's sake. He had Anzu's head rested on his lap while he continued to stare. Seeing past his reflection in the window and glaring at only white. White and cold. Two things he was so unfamiliar with, but somehow felt like home. Why was that? He looked back toward the girl in front of him, still numb to the way she looked. He was able to clear most of the dirt and blood from her face... but she still looked so broken. Her clothes were tattered and soaked in... Bakugou left the thought at that. Her face was the exact same color as the snow he couldn't rip his mind from. Peaceful, and white, and so conflicted. He partly couldn't even tell the difference between the three of them. The snow, The girl, or himself.

"Take this, I bought it at the gas station, put one on her too." Aizawa handed Bakugou two black hoodies, both of the same size and thick enough to keep out the cold. Bakugou stretched the fabric over his head, trying his best not to scrape the cloth against the burn but failing anyway. He couldn't help but think the cold would feel good against it... but he knew better. In -40 degree weather.... He was better off dealing with it. He also had a bit of trouble putting one on Anzu, kind of like dressing a doll.... not that he had any experience with that. In the end he worried of moving the injuries too much and just left her arms out of the sleeves and in the main portion of the hoodie. She looked a bit odd but it worked nonetheless.

"I have some keys to get in there... but do you think there any way you would have enough sweat to start a fire?" Aizawa asked throwing a box of fire starters to the fiery blonde. Bakugou nodded in return and together they jumped out of the car and into the blinding fog of white.

As he was in it... it felt so easy. To just fall. Fall to his knees, and never get up. Let the white and frozen air consume him, and never let him go. Drown him until there was nothing left, and suck in the harsh and piercing air as a last breath. But the thing in front of him kept him going. The dying warmth he clung to with such vigor kept him walking. Through the white, seeking still for the warmth he had quietly given up on. When they finally reached the cabin that Aizawa had keys to... he shoved the keys into the frozen lock and tried to turn. There was a creaking of metal and the sound of the ice scraping against the keys. The ice had stripped the mechanism.

"Shit..." Aizawa mumbled under his breath. He turned to Bakugou with a sense of urgency, but no where near panic. "We don't have time for this. Step back." He put a hand on Bakugou's shoulder and pushed him backwards a bit. He then reared up, and kicked the door with as much power as he could muster. A plateau of snow came falling from the roof, covering the trio in frost and shattering the barrier of ice in the crack of the door. A final blow and the door swung clean open, revealing an ice soaked room. Even the couches and living quarters were covered in a thin layer of frost, dying the colorful cloths and fireplaces a desaturated grey. The air smelled of winter and a dying sense of security.

"I'll start a fire." Bakugou coughed. It was the first time he had spoken in hours and the words came out distorted and quiet. He turned to hide the slight bit of embarrassment that plagued him, though he couldn't even recognize it. He made his way over to the hearth, and shoved four of the little red fire starters into the grey area. He then rubbed his hands together, and stopped lying to himself that he felt he was burning up. The fire coming from his wound was enough to fuel four small sparks from his finger tips, catching onto the still warm fire starters. Aizawa had thought to put hand warmers into the box so they wouldn't freeze over. Clever. In the end, his small flickering fire with a little help blazed to the best of it's ability. Sheltered from the wind that rattled the cupboards and window panes, sending shivers and thoughts of remorse through it's tenants.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )Where stories live. Discover now