Transfer Student

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        Anzu waited hesitantly outside the door of the classroom. Her heart pounded, each beat suffocating. She had never met someone that was her age. Was she out of the ordinary? What if she had no idea how to socialize? She didn't even like talking that much. What if i'm rejected? Maybe I should have just- She cut her thoughts off. No. Anything. Anything is better than solitude. She watched the man named Aizawa talk to his class. She could hear the chatting voices. So many voices. She wiped the sweat from her forehead. The anticipation was killing her. What if they looked down on her because she started later? What if her intelligence was lower than the average? She rubbed the bridge of her nose, a familiar headache returning. And then she heard it.

"Anzu? Come in here please." He said, his voice the typical dull tone. Anzu gulped, a shiver sent through her. She clenched her fists until they turned white and walked into the room. She kept her eyes on Aizawa. She didn't dare look at the eyes she knew were all resting on her. It was dead silent. When she turned around, she saw them all. Each and every one of them. All of their eyes, rested on one thing. She could almost picture her heart thrashing against her rib cage. She could tell almost immediately who was friendly, and who was not.

"This is our new transfer student Anzu. She'll be training with all of you in the hero course from now on. Make sure she feels welcomed." He said, his voice slightly threatening at the end. He motioned for her to take a seat. She went directly to the seat the farthest back in the room, keeping her head low all the way there. She had already attracted enough attention. To her dismay, the eyes followed her there too. She wanted desperately to escape this place. To melt into the floor and go sit in the grass. Her stream of thoughts was stopped short when she noticed several smiles. One coming from a boy with bright, spiky red hair. It almost obviously wasn't natural but she had no way of knowing that. She the saw another with curly green hair and freckles. Then another from a girl who's skin color was pink. She stopped short. Repeated the thoughts. Everyone here looks... so different. She stared so hard at her desk she could've sworn she burned a hole right through it. She was barely focused as she listened to Aizawa ramble on about the day's events. First period this, second that, none of it worried her. But quirk training? She was shot back to reality. How the hell was she supposed to do that? Sure she could increase her physical strength as much as possible, but either was... her quirk was... uncontrollable. She refused to use it on a person. Maybe she could on a villain, but an innocent person? No way.

"You'll train with your normal partners... Except Anzu. You'll be getting a private lesson with me so I can evaluate your quirk." He said turning to the next set of directions. She froze. Evaluate? What does that mean? Anxiety overtook her. This was crazy. Her thoughts, once again were interrupted by the bell. First period just ended and she already felt winded.

The whole day seemed to go in fast forward. First she was in average courses like calculus and anatomy, next minute shes learning how to defend against a gun attack. What kind of crazy school is this? She knew what she signed up for but it didn't make it any less insane. Then something she feared almost more than the hero classes. Lunch. The food she got looked incredible. She had never seen a meal so vibrant. The smell wafting from it made her mouth water. But here came the hard part. Where to enjoy it? She was barely one step out of the hall when someone had grabbed her wrist. It was the redheaded boy from before.

"Hey! Anzu why don't you come sit with us!? We rarely have new students." He said, a smile taking up almost his entire face. She was about to answer but was cut short as someone rested their hand on her shoulder. An incredibly tall guy with glasses stood next to her. She identified him as the class representative.

"Or you could always come sit this us! We have plenty of space and we'd love to hear about your quirk!" He motioned to the green haired boy as well as a couple others. She was torn. Both groups seemed nice enough. She was already surprised they could just walk up to someone like that. But overall, she would rather not talk about her quirk to anyone.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن