Nerve Breaker

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"Bakugou I have something to tell you!"

Anzu beamed at him. He had no idea why the hell she looked so happy but it was creeping him out. Anzu asked him with her eyes before lightly grabbing hold of his hand. At first he was about to rip away, but his curiosity meant more right now so he simply gave her a warning glance. Stared at it awkwardly. She picked up on the hint but didn't let go anyway. " Or rather... more like something to show you." She corrected, veering off into the underbrush of the woods. It seemed awfully suspicious, and he kept his wits about him but for some reason he knew it was more important than she was letting on. Bakugou stuffed his hands into his oversized pockets. He didn't want to be in the woods once the sun went down. So he had to make sure it was quick. Once they were a safe enough distance away, Anzu stopped and let his hand fall to his side, she took a deep breath. It just now occurred to her she hadn't thought any of this through. She wanted desperately to second guess herself but she was too far in now. She had no choice.

"Are you going to show me or what?" He asked, agitation saturated his tone. Anzu bit her lip and concentrated. How to word it... what to say... Anzu nodded and turned her attention towards him.

"Well... you know how Aizawa instructed me not to tell anyone at the school about my quirk?" She asked, trying to pull the right words out of her stomach but her mind was stalling and her heart was racing, everything came out slurred. She truly was beginning to feel like this was a bad idea, yet for some reason she pushed on.

"What about it?" He sighed, picking at the bark of a tree. To her surprise he looked the least bit interested, which kind of helped in a way.

"Bakugou I want to show you. I don't want to do everything by myself. And you're the only person I can say I trust right now. I'm sorry to do this to you, I know it's probably selfish... but I... By myself I'm not going to get very far." She stumbled like her mouth was falling down a flight of stairs. It was just now that it occurred how self centered she must seem. Placing the burden on him too. At this very moment she hated the decision she made. She was so weak in the mind she couldn't realize she was offering her problems to someone else. Anzu wrestled with her thoughts until they became loud and she fought with the urge to backpedal. Forget this ever happened.

"Finally. It's about fucking time." To Anzu's complete and utter relief, Bakugou let out a big smirk. She could practically feel the hundred pound weight in her chest fall away.

"The problem is... I don't quite know how to show you..." She said, her mind running with ideas. To use it on him, or animals? Of course there's always the chance it could backfire but where would she find an animal?" Anzu searched for a test subject, her eyes darting back and forth but to no avail. She looked towards him and smiled nervously. He could tell by her expression what this meant.

"Depends how much it hurts." He answered her pleading eyes.

"Well... It's not so much while it's happening it's the after affect. You might be sore for a couple of days." She smiled bigger, hoping to persuade him. He looked at her completely blank.

"Fine." He sighed, taking his jacket and throwing it in the other direction. "What do I have to do?"

"Nothing! Just stand there and look me in the... wait I should explain that first." Anzu reminded herself, removing the white gauze pad from her eye. She snickered at the expression on her friend's face.

"I fucking knew it!" He yelled, little pops coming from his hands. "I knew it had to do with that weird ass bandage!" He grinned wider, clearly she had accidentally fired him up. Was it really that obvious? Anzu kept her eye closed, but stared at him directly,

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon