Brains Over Brawn

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                "Quirk usage is strictly off limits for this exercise. If I catch one of you cheating, there will be hell to pay. And because this exercise is quirkless, your classmate Anzu will be practicing with you." Aizawa stared at the fully uniformed group. Anzu's suit had come in, and the student's suspicions of their supposed classmate had become dangerous. He needed to fix their questioning, as well as see how Anzu worked with other people. Specifically Bakugou. Initially she had been assigned to be his room mate because they needed to get along. Her quiet but deadly quirk might work well with his in a stealth assignment. Bakugou would bring the brawn, and Anzu would bring the brain, with a little extra flare. Together they might just be able to cause a disruption in the league of villains. Especially considering Anzu's past. Aizawa began to pair up the teams that seemed to work the best together.

"Group one: Kaminari and Kirishima. Group two: Mina and Jiro, Group three: Iida and Aoyama, Group four: Bakugou and Anzu." Aizawa continued down the list. Bakugou walked over to her. This would be the first time he saw her dressed in the new costume. He seemed pleased, but didn't say anything.

"Did they take the advise on the eye patch?" He asked, taking her aside so they could strategize. Anzu looked at the wall and opened her eye, seconds later the new, diamond shaped eye-patch opened up in the center, with a silent, fluid motion. He wanted to grin but didn't.

The goal is to locate Aizawa, and fight him fist to fist while the other partner keeps watch. If another team finds him as well, they have a right to steal their prey. The second partner's job is to fend off the other teams. That is, if you are the first team to find him.

"I don't think we should fight him first. We'll lose in a head to head battle and you know someone will take advantage of that. I don't wan't us to be that person. I say we wait until the last moment that Aizawa can fight, then we swoop in and take the win. Chances are others will have the same idea. That's why while the fighting is going on, were going to go around and remove the teams lying in wait, so when the time comes to steal the win, we won't have competition." Anzu told Bakugou, but to her utter disappointment, he didn't seem convinced.

"No way in hell. I can take that squinty-eyed freak any time of the day! I say we fight and take the win all the way." He demanded, finality in his voice. The way he spoke annoyed her greatly. Did he think she was just going to shy away that quickly? Anzu stood her ground and rocked onto one hip, crossing her arms.

"That strategy is what he want's us to do. Don't let your obsession with fighting ruin your chances at winning. I'm not fighting him head on." Anzu finished, standing taller, getting on his level even though her height was clearly prohibiting that.

"I'm doing it my way. Either you're with me, or I leave you here." He growled, getting close to her face. Anzu simply kept her arms crossed and stared at him judgmentally. He knew exactly what that look was. He got it from his mother all the time. It's the I won't back down if I have to go to hell and back. So get ready, face. Bakugou waited several awkwardly silent minutes. He sighed and took a step backwards.

"Fiiine. If this fails, you owe me." He hissed, walking away towards the assigned building. Anzu smiled and shook her head. His glare might cause her to back down but when she knew she was right, it was his turn. She knew this would work. She had read about this tactic in an old Roman history book. It was said that it never failed to bring victory.

Anzu heard the whistle in her ear piece. This was it. She would show class 1-A that they had a new competitor and she was ready. Bakugou took the lead and they began advancing through the small city, moving swiftly and silently from building to building. Anzu popped her hood up and latched her cloak shut. In the shadows, she was practically invisible. As they continued, a sound rumbled the ground, and she could hear the fighting.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن