"Then take off your mask, I can't move my hand... it hurts too much..." She said, her voice shaking in her throat. His expression immediately turned wary. The two guards exchanged glances once more before looking back at her, his hand tentatively wrapped on his visor. She knew there were no security cameras around.... Just a little more... He still wouldn't take it off. "Please!" She yelled, her voice full of pain as both men removed their visor's immediately looking towards her. She watched slowly as their expressions had barely enough time to react upon seeing no blood stains on her white shirt. She silently opened her eye and watched as both men collapsed to the side of her, their eyes rolling back and the one of the right dropping his radio, the light still flashing. She almost breathed a sigh of relief until she heard a scrambling on the communicator.

"109! 109 do you read me!?" It called, static overtaking it's clarity. Anzu once again swallowed down her fear and lowered her voice to the best of her ability. Anzu picked up the device and pressed her thumb and forefinger down on the needed buttons.

"Loud and clear. Target acquired, we're beginning transportation." She said, running her hands over their gear, finding all sorts of fun things.

Okay.... we have flash grenades.... grenade grenades yikes..... uhh. Flashlight, food, taser, wallet, and uniform..... Gun? Hell no. She thought, making sure the safety was on before setting it to the side and emptying the spare bullets out of his pocket. What have we here..... She said, reaching into a sheath to pull out a beautiful and long dagger, her eyes growing huge and excited. Hell yeah! She thought, barely containing her happiness as she strapped it to her new utility belt. She could not stress how much she missed having one on her. Her eye continued to sting in the back of her skull but she ignored it, changing into the guard's uniform, using the dagger to cut off the long sleeves and bottom, rolling it up to make it look tailored. Still it was quite baggy, so she used an extra hair tie to keep the ends tight. She then stuffed some of her extra white fabric strips in her shoes to give her some height. She then used the leftovers to tie the guards together with sailors knots, then gagged and blinded them. There was no way they were escaping the elaborate structure she made before she could get out of there.

From there, she went back and grabbed her bag from underneath the white bench, beginning her quick escape out of the hallway. Then she made a right, remembering the last time she had gone through here with Aizawa. She dodged in and out of shadows, sticking to the walls and waiting for any security patrols to come in and out. She continued on until she reached a split and her memory drew a blank. To the front of her was a big lit up room full of panels, each one with a different member in a cell block. She saw her own, the white walls empty with nothing in there to reside in it. She was about to turn around and leave when she saw a lever.

Main power emergency switch.

She read to herself, her heart radiating in her chest. Anzu gave a wry smile trying to contain her laughter. Who in their right mind would label the only thing holding this place together. With a heavy build up she pulled the lever down, hearing the constant insatiable droning come to a complete stop as the power was cut and the lights all flicked out instantly. The guard at the desk turned around immediately, his face full of panic... but Anzu was already long gone. She busted out of the exit door, the sun greeting her with bright rays in her eyes. The outside world..... she hadn't been here in two weeks. Her eyes refused to adjust to the light, the warmth radiating and practically burning her skin. She could feel her pale tone turning redder with every second, yet she continued to bolt for the end of the alley way, transitioning into a quick walk the second she got away from the complex. She knew what she was wearing was a bit suspicious when she got several strange looks from one or two cops. By now they definitely would be on the lookout for her, she had to make sure she wasn't seen until she got back to U.A... She didn't want to take a detour. However, she walked into the first clothing store she could find.

Nerve Breaker : Bakugo Katsuki x OC : My Hero Academia (Finished )Where stories live. Discover now