Chapter 12: Basashi Commotion Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Ah wait, we're in the middle of red clansmen territory... the absolute best place to freak a horse out and cause serious damage.

The horse Anna and Kosuke brought in seemed to be a quarter horse, but with a few Arabian traits like the height and the slight curve of the neck.

He had an intelligent gleam in his eye. I nodded to him as he inhaled my scent and then blew out through his large nostrils, nudging his head into my hand. A silly grin broke onto my face because that was a sign that he trusted me.


"SHHHHH don't yell Kusanagi-san, you'll spook him." The horse's eyes has widened and his ears were flipping back and forth. If he pinned his ears back flat that would mean he is going to a) bite you, b) kick you with the hooves that can easily crush bones, c) or buck (if there was a rider on him that rider would go flying a few dozen feet).


"But you said that it was fine...." Anna teared up.

"That's true... you can't go back on your word." I gave the brown-haired beauty's nose a rub.

Izumo faced away, exasperated that he had been tricked by that as permission that we could keep the horse for a bit, Anna ran towards the horse with her little chibi arms up in the air, "What should we name it?"

She seemed super excited, but I wanted to make sure everyone was safe. I stepped in front of Anna and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Never run towards a horse. They spook easily alright? And no yelling, it'll scare them."

"Un." She nodded her head, but didn't seem to hear what I said. However, she did walk up to the horse after that, so good enough. I doubt the horse would hurt Anna though.

Every animal has a personality and this horse definitely disliked arrogant people with short tempers, but absolutely adored girls. Hm, he's a gelding.

He won't be as wild as a stallion, but geldings can still be scary when mad. The gelding snorted into Anna's hair looking for food.

"Before we name it, we should feed it first." Kosuke could tell the signs of a hungry animal.

"Him. This guy here is a gelding."

"What's a gelding?" Anna asked, eyes sparkling at hearing more information about the horse.

"Uhhhhhh," I hesitated, wondering how to explain that humans castrate horses to make them more tame. A male horse that's not castrated is a stallion and a castrated one is a gelding. "It just means that your horse is male and is a very nice horse."

I cringed, and Tatara laughed at me. Getting mad, I threw the book I had in my hands earlier at him. (I always have a book in my hands, or on my person because I love reading).


"How do you know so much about horses?" Izumo seemed confused at my knowledge.

"Oh, I didn't tell you guys? I grew up on a ranch. I had some horses, sheep, 3 dogs, and 2 cats. I used to compete in horseback riding tournaments." I laughed as the hungry horse tried to nibble on my hair. "Don't eat my hair."

That was what my dad's horse liked to do. She was a rescue horse and was abandoned, which is horrible because she had the sweetest personality. At least sweeter than my arrogant horse named Shadow who liked to bully the other animals on the ranch.

Despite the fact that my dad is a doctor, he and I both loved animals so we moved onto a ranch in middle school. My two brothers grumbled the entire time because they disliked anything "dirty." They would rather stay inside and play video games all day and night if they could.

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