{ Light }

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"Taemin and me, we are just like each other, aren't we?"

"Your best friend is a copy of me."

"We are twins, after all, the exact copy of the other."

Kibum couldn't help but think of Sulli's statements on the way back to the castle.

"... the exact copy of the other."

"No, you're wrong. Taemin might look like you, but deep down, he has a big heart and that's what makes the difference between you two."

"They might look alike at first sight, but Minnie is different. He is not like Sulli. Appearances are deceiving." Key murmured to himself, looked out the window while they drove through the dark wood. Just then something came into his mind, caused him to gasp.

"We are twins, after all, the exact copy of the other."

"Where is it? Where did Jjong hide it?" The boy talked to himself in frustration as he wreaked havoc in the small storeroom.

"It has to be here. I'm sure. Where the hell-"

"Oh here it is," screamed Kibum, beaming, with something glossy in his hand.

Right after, he ran out of the dark room as if his life was depended on it. As fast as he could, Key jumped on a horse and left the castle without saying goodbye to anyone.

Jonghyun couldn't believe what he just heard. Kibum had really left him at this moment when he needed the younger boy the most. He was aware that Kibum had every right to leave whenever he wanted. Jonghyun had promised him not to force him to stay after all. Yet, the Prince could never think Bummie would really leave him, not after everything they had been through together. Jonghyun was undoubtedly in love with the beautiful boy named Kim Kibum and he had begged God with all his strength that the other boy would love him back. But now he had to accept it. Kibum didn't love him – at least not as much as Jjong loved him.

"JONGHYUN?" A loud call of his name brought the Prince back to earth. Damn it! For one second he had really forgotten about Minho and Onew and all that because of Kibum.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" The Prince apologized.

"I'm asking you if you're really sure. Prince or not, you could lose everything for helping a prisoner to break jail." Minho said full of worries.

"Do you have a better idea? We don't have another choice, do we? If we don't get him out of there, he'll be hanged in a few hours, unless a miracle happens and father changes his mind." Jonghyun replied sadly and Minho knew his friend was right. This was their last chance to save Onew.

"If this were a story, none of us will survive in the end. We all will die." Minho said, sighed. Why did all of his friends have to be so crazy?

Shaking his head, he finally said. "But what else can we do? Well, let's get Onew hyung out of jail. We only need to do it as we talked before and everything will be fine." Minho said with determination.


"Close the gate, search every house. No one is going to leave town until I find them. They are going to be hanged for doing this." The King stated angrily.

"Question every guard, every servant. They couldn't leave the castle without being noticed by anybody. That's impossible." The Queen added, worried. The guard bowed and headed to the door as someone rushed into the room with a shocked expression on the face.

"Kidnapped? Who is kidnapped? Noona is kidnapped? Father, please tell me what happened."

"Jonghyun," The Queen called the prince's name as she ran into his embrace, breaking into tears. Jonghyun couldn't do anything but hugged his crying mother tightly, hoping to be able to comfort her a bit in this situation. Seeing his father nodded sadly, not saying a word; he knew it was true. The princess was gone.

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