{ Hiding }

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Alright. Let see. How was it?

I was heading to the kitchen and suddenly I heard a weird noise coming from the private library.

So I turned around to check it. The door was wide-open. That was odd since everyone knew that the door to the library should always be closed.

Onew carefully repeated every incident of that day in his mind, one by one.

I entered the library. It was dark and cold, but everything was fine.

I wanted to leave.

I was about to leave.

I didn't leave.

There was blood behind the counter.

I came closer. Then I saw it. She lay there... dying.

"Can you remember anything?" A soft voice interrupted Onew's thoughts.

"Yes, Key, I can," he answered.

"Tell us what you remember. You can tell us everything. Every little evidence could be important," said Kibum impatiently.

"No, Key, I'm not telling you how it was like as your mother was dying". The older boy thought.

"Bummie, just let Onew hyung some time to remember. He'll tell us if there is something important." Jonghyun said in the right moment and smiled at his hyung as if he knew what Onew was thinking. Key nodded understandingly and silence filled the huge room again.

Then, I lay her down and ran out of the library to look for help. But there was no one. I didn't find anyone. Where was everybody?

After ... I don't know. How long have I been running around, looking for help? ... I decided to come back to her.

I ran through the open door, turn left and headed to the counter. Then I saw her again. She was still there, but her eyes were closed now. I panicked, ran towards her and knelt down next to...

No, that wasn't true. Something was missing...

But what?

Let begin again. I ran through the open door, turn left, headed to the counter. I saw her. Her eyes were closed. I panicked, ran towards her, tripped and knelt down... wait... I tripped?

Oh ... I tripped.

Oh my god, I TRIPPED.

"You tripped, huh?" Jonghyun asked monotonously, looking at Onew with narrowed eyes.

"Now tell me what we should do with this incredible news?" The Prince asked sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm not that clumsy." Onew protested. "And I didn't trip on my own feet this time. It was because of the locker's door. It was suddenly open."

"Suddenly?" repeated Kibum.

"Yes, it wasn't open when I was here the first time. That was why I didn't pay attention to it and tripped on it." Onew nodded and explained.

"So that means someone was here while you were gone?" Key said.

"The murderer?" and Jonghyun added.

"Remember when I told you I saw two keychains when I found her and you told me you only found one of it?" Onew asked.

"Yes, I do. We thought the murderer came back to look for his keychain, but what if he came back for the thing in the locker?" The Prince said thoughtfully.

A Somewhat Different Fairy Taleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن