"My parents sent me here too, but I willingly accept it." Jinyoung said.


"Because they never trust me."

"Did you do something?" Mark asked, getting deeper into the conversation.

"Let just say that shit happened, and I fucked up."

"Jinyoung! Language!" Mark snapped and Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

Jinyoung tried to remember back the first painful year he got into this hell. He was all alone. He only had Chiko. Every night of silent cry under the blanket. For a place to 'treat' crazy people, it drove Jinyoung crazy. He skipped meals for a few days until the nurses have to force him to eat. Everyone could see that Jinyoung became so skinny during the first few months. His parents? The asylum limiting the visiting time so the last time Jinyoung met his parents was six months ago. They said that frequent visits might affect the patient's recovery. And Jinyoung was not even sick in the first place.

The doctors have run few tests on Jinyoung regarding his 'sickness' and most of it were negative. Jinyoung was not sick. But one doctor, the, what they called expert, Doctor Lee was not agreed with it. Jinyoung saw him as a very arrogant man. A man who didn't want to acknowledge his wrong. Very prideful. Doctor Lee was the one who said to the hospital and his parents that Jinyoung had a mental illness. And everyone believed it. The effect? Jinyoung suffered in this hell. What an expert.

Every time he went home, he would stand in the middle of his room and just looked around. His room was his bubble, his comfort zone, the place he hid. By being inside it was enough to make him felt at peace. Luckily his parents didn't disturb anything inside it. He hated it when people touched his things. Sitting at the window of his room, he would stare at the moon and the stars the whole night until Chiko told him it was time to go back to the hospital. He did that too at his room at the asylum, but it was nothing compared to his comfort zone. Sometimes, he imagined if he was granted for one wish, he would ask for his freedom.

Maybe Chiko should leave. That fox was unconsciously the cause of this mess. But if he left now, Jinyoung had no one. He had no friend. His parents still didn't believe him. Mark, he probably still stuck in here. Speaking of Chiko, he suddenly disappeared again. It's been three days since the last time Jinyoung saw him. Where did Chiko go? What did he do when he's gone?


Night came and so was Chiko. When Jinyoung entered his room, the fox was lying on the bed. After Jinyoung scolded Chiko a few times for leaving him alone, he said that he wanted to go home. With a small sigh, Chiko agreed with it. They waited until midnight before heading home. But since there were CCTVs in the room, Chiko had to put extra effort into it.

Chiko created another Jinyoung, well not like another Jinyoung, just a human-like doll that looked like the boy, laying on the bed so that the hospital thought the boy was still in the room. He made the real Jinyoung invincible and they left the hospital through the front door. Chiko tired of seeing Jinyoung got hit by them so he put some effort into the escape this time. When they were in the woods, Chiko realized that the boy didn't really want to go home because Jinyoung was just wandering around the trees.

"You don't really want to go home, don't you?" Chiko asked.

"Yeah. I just want to get out of that hell." Jinyoung kicked a rock.

"When will I really get out of that place?" Jinyoung looked at Chiko.

"They said when you cured. I don't know what to cure."

"Yeah, cured." Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

After 30 minutes of walking, as Jinyoung predicted, he could see the town. He wanted to spend some time in the town but it's bored since he was all by himself. Must be fun if Mark could join. He said to himself while looking at Chiko. Mark would really happy to get out of that place. He's been stuck there for a year. Poor him.

CHIKO (GOT7 JJP) | Jaebum x JinyoungWhere stories live. Discover now