Carl grabs him by his arm. "Yeah, that's right leave. I don't want you near her or anywhere near this building again."

Christian gets out of Carl's grasp. "I'll walk." He glances towards my door before walking down the stairs.

Finally he's gone. I let out a relieving sigh.

Walking away from the door I head to the fridge for some water, but then I hear a gentle knock.

Oh yeah. Carl.

I take a deep breath in, wiping my watery eyes and pulling my robe tighter against me.

  I open the door and see the short scruffy man in front of me. "Carl, I'm so sorry for all the noise. I didn't know he would-"

"This is your first warning." He simply says. "Two more, and you're out."
I look down at him and couldn't help but see his belly hanging out from under his shirt.

Maybe you should stop drinking so much beer Carl!

But it's not my fault. I didn't know he was gonna go full on ape shit against my front door!

I just gulp nodding.

He continues. "If that man is bothering you so much, maybe you should file a retraining order against him." Without giving me a chance to explain myself, he walks away.

I run my hand over my tired face.

All I wanted was a good night's rest. I already don't sleep well because of the nightmares that haunts me in my sleep. And the monster is him. It's Christian, he's in my dreams.

I open my eyes and turn to my side.

  "I'm sorry." I tell Shelly, my neighbor.

She probably called Carl.

She places a hand on her hip staring at me. "My kid has school in the morning. Unlike you, we actually have lives around here. I hope this doesn't happen again."

I hear her click her tongue as she goes back into her apartment.


  "My first warning." I let out a cynical chuckle, still not believing the events that happened not to long ago.

I lock the door after I closed it and go straight for my bed to sleep, well I can try to.

He can't hurt me, but yet he's in my head- in my dreams breaking me from the inside. I honestly thought that if I left him things will get better, but it's only getting worse and unbearable.

I want it to stop. I want to be myself again.

I want to be the Madison I was two years ago.



...the project's rough sketch has been reviewed by me and everything seems to be in good order. The deal can proceed.
The percentage ratings can be discussed in our next meeting, and hopefully then we can close the deal.



  "And send." I click the send button once I'm done typing out the email for Mr Anderson.

Our companies has joined forces to sustain and create eco manufactured projects such as, housing and next generation farming solutions. And on top of that I have to make sure that I invest in the right people at all times.

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