A Deadly Encounter

Start from the beginning

" But Sarah doesn't have a partner !" Stacy was busy giving Chris an earfull.

" I will dance with her. " Someone spoke from behind me in a silky smooth voice.

Stacy's mouth opened as if to say something then closed. Her eyes round as a fish. So after days of avoiding him I finally had to face him afterall.

I contemplated refusing or just running off but then I thought how embarrassing it would look for Stacy and everyone. Plus I didn't want to give him the impression that I was too afraid to face him.

I turned to him plastering a fake smile on my face. He took my hands in his warm strong ones and led me to the dance floor.

Up close he looked even more intimidating. He was so tall he literally towered over me my eyes were on the same level as his lips.

Up close I could smell his perfume and I was shocked and a little disturbed to find that it smelled just like the one my father used to wear, Dunhill's Desire Blue. It reminded me of the good times when life was simpler.It only made everything feel more surreal.

Aiden placed one hand on my waist and took my other one in his. I tried not to notice how dashing he looked in the black tux. Our close proximity was already overwhelming enough for me.

I tried not to look at him but just then my clumsiness kicked in and I stepped on his expensive looking black loafers. " Sorry " I muttered. He gave a huff of indignation and rolled his eyes.

All the other couples around us were busy making small talk. We were the only ones looking awkward and stiff as we tried to look at anything but each other. Finally Aiden broke the silence.

" What happened with my mom that night ?"

" Duh she got drunk ". I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Something must have happened before that to make her behave this way. You were working there that night weren't you ? You must have seen something."

" I knew you wouldn't dance with me without a good reason. Specially since you consider me a walking talking biohazard. Tell me do you have that bottle of handsanitizer with you ? You will need loads of it now ?"

" Sarah will you please answer my question ?" I sensed that he was deep down more anxious than he showed.

So I told him everything that happened that night. His expression seemed to darken specially at the mention of the man who had been with Anna that night.

" Thank you ". He said after I had finished. He didn't seem like his usual self which was either cold or aggressive. Infact he seemed rather subdued.

The dance ended right then. As Aiden started to walk away I suddenly remembered the articles.

" Aiden !" I called out to him.

" Huh ?" He turned towards me.

" Those articles about Nathaniel Victor you sent me those rights ?" I asked.

" What are you talking about ?" He asked looking utterly confused.

I told him everything about the strange mail.

" Nathaniel was my father's older brother. He had died in a car accident. I have no idea who is sending you these articles and why."

We stood in silence. I was feeling a little freaked out. What was the sender of those articles trying to achieve ?

" Sarah could you please show me those articles ?"

" I don't have them with me right now. "

" It's OK. How about we meet up tomorrow at the Café Fiona ? Could you please bring me those articles there ?"

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