Never Same Again

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"Lance, blunt question, but do you have any STD's?"

"Funny of you to assume I'd have one.  I actually get tested quite frequently.  I also happen to pretty much always use protection.  Why you asking?  Want a hit or something?"

"Fuck no.  Didn't you get that one girl who moved away last year pregnant though?"

"What?!  Heck no!  No, no, no!  I never even touched her let alone have sex with her.  And for you're information, she moved after giving birth and her parents forcing a DNA test on me just to realize it was her step-brothers son.  That was wack and very few people know of it.  They got really fucking embarrassed and all moved away.  Don't spread it though, I don't need anymore trouble."


"I know."


-Time Skip-

Keith sat at the kitchen table of Pidge's house eating an apple and scrolling through his phone casually as per usual.  When Keith didn't want to go home, the Holt's would always have an open door for him to stay there.

"Keith I'm going to hang out with Lance and Hunk today."

"Okay.  Cool."

"You're going to hang out with us."

"What?  Uh- okay then I guess."  Keith shrugged and just continued to scroll on his Instagram.

"They're on their way."

"Okay then.  Thanks for last minute telling me!"

"No problem!"



-Lance's POV-

Ding.  Me, Matt, and Hunk stood on the porch waiting.  Me and Hunk just picked up Matt from the airport.  It's nice to have him back.

"They're here, go fucking answer the door." I heard somebody shout from inside the house.

"Yeesh, fine you bitch."

Suddenly the door opened leaving an unamused Keith.  That is until he saw Matt.  Huh...?

"Fucking Matt!"  Keith shouted proceeding to jump onto him.  Matt smiled and held onto Keith laughing.  Keith then stopped holding on and got down.

Keith gripped Matt's shoulders and started questioning him.  "You're here?  Pidge, you bitch!  She didn't tell me you were coming home!  Oh my gosh!  It's seriously been forever!  How was Italy?"

"It was great!  I missed you guys so much though!  It was really nice to be with my grand parents for a little while though."

"A little while?  That was just about almost half a year!  You look so much different." Keith seemed mind blown that Matt was there.

"I could say the same." Matt chuckled out.

"Hey Keith." I waved to him.  He smiled at me before he seemingly hit some type of realization.

"Oh crap!  Sorry guys, let me let you guys in."  Keith then hugged Matt one last time and let us all in.  Why couldn't I get a hug?

"Pidge, they're right here!  I let them in!"  Pidge then walked out of her room and ran up to hug Matt.

"I love you so much!  How are grandma and grandpa doing?"

"Good, they missed you."

"I know, but it's easier for me to study at home.  I feel more comfortable at home and want to keep my good grades."

Runaway (Klance)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora