Chapter 2: Platoon 7

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Upon meeting with the two other Platoon members in room 43, Both Hiroki and Chie entered the room, seeing a very short female cooking and the other was a male, on his computer, typing.

"These are the other two?" Asked Hiroki, thinking the other two Members would be like some awesome bad-ass, training or doing something cool.

"Yeah, Mi, Ciel!" Called Chie, both Mi and Ciel turn their focus to Hiroki and Chie.

"This is Hiroki Grim our new teammate."

"Great, another weakling." Stated Ciel.

"Oh!...What you mean Ciel" Asked Chie.

"I read his file, he got no magic experience, that's if he even knows how to use magic, he also scored the highest score in the entrance exam, getting all his questions right, and your ranked is F class 1."

"F  Class 1!" Shockingly said Chie.

"Yeah, I had no other choice, it was either that or I get out the school."

"Well now your going to be a laughing stock." Said Ciel.

Chie pouted "Our Platoon going to be laughing stock."

"Oh laughing stock why because of me?" Questioned Hiroki.

"No, Mi is class D2, Ciel is Class E1 and I'm Class E3"  Sighed Chie, she finished "..Our Platoon is Labeled the Losers."

"Losers,come on your not that bad?" Reassured Hiroki.

"Yeah but we are." Said Ciel.

Mi pulled Hiroki sleeve "Do you want a cookie?" She asked holding a chocolate cookie in her hand.

Hiroki looked down at her giving her a small smile "Sure"

She hand Hiroki the Cookie, which he started to eat "Wow these are good."

"Yeah she's an excellent cook."

"Never mind that, how do we rank up the Platoon?", 

"Well by going on missions, that's how we get payed and how we ranked up" Explained Chie.

"Then lets doing some missions then." Said Hiroki, wanting the team to rank up.

"We can't, well not today, today's the first day for the Freshmen, to get placed."

"So we just wait until tomorrow then."

"You say it like it's gonna be easy on you.", said Ciel.

"Hey, don't worry I'll live" Confidently spoke Hiroki.

Ciel looked at Hiroki blankly "Your either stupid or careless, by the looks of it I think your both."

 Hiroki left the room heading to his room to get a early shut eye, as he walked, Hiroki notice, that all the student were looking at him some talking and few giggling at him, but he walked confidently not caring though. That's when he saw Kosuke walking, with her breast bouncing like basket ball, and no question they had all the boys attention. 

She stopped facing looking at Hiroki "I see you were place in Platoon 7."

"Yeah, also ranked Class F1." Embarrassingly Said Hiroki.

"I know, my brother told me, I didn't agree with his decision, I think he should have at least gave you a practical exam to show off your skills."

"Well really I don't mind being Ranked Class F1."

"Iv'e notice, I hope you ranked up soon though." Smiled Kosuke.


A loud shout came out calling Kosuke name, A boy walked over, with hair of dark blue, his eyes were purple, he had some piercing in both of his ears.

"Why you talking to this Low ranked  kid." He glared at Hiroki.

"Come on now Vash, you don't even know him."

"I know enough to say this looser shouldn't be able to even look at someone of your rank."

"What rank are you?" Asked Hiroki.

"I'm rank Class A3, and Kosuke here is ranked Class S2"

"I thought you would be stronger by the way you talk."

"What that suppose to mean?!" Asked Vash in anger.

"I think you would be stronger, is that even hard to understand."

Vash grabbed Hiroki by his collar lifting, shoving him in the wall, Kosuke was shocked of Vash behavior, all eyes were on the boys.

"Ok Mister big mouth, lets see what you can do. Me, you, gym now."

Both boys went to the gym, the gym was massive, big as a soccer stadium.student from all grade, even the freshman's came, some teachers too.

Hiroki and Vash stood looking at each other, crowds cheering for Vash.

"Ok lets make this quick." Sneered Vash.

"Ok" Said Hiroki.

Vash placed his hand out as a massive red magic circle was made , then a blast of reddish - orange flames came rushing out at Hiroki, who only stood, widening his eyes. as the attack came towards him, the blast hit Hiroki, causing a massive explosion. the students began to cheer thought Vash have won the battle. but as the smoke cleared, Hiroki still stood scratch free but his uniform was burned up pretty good. everyone was shocked seeing Hiroki still standing even getting hit by a Class A blast.

"H-How." Stuttered Vash.

"Wait we should have start fighting?!"

"Why you!!" Yelled Vash, now enrage, rising his hand creating a giant red Magic circle, as a red flaming Dragon came out going straight at Hiroki, who only gave a small smile, as the dragon reached close, Hiroki launch his fist into the dragons mouth destroying it, as he continue driving his fist into Vash face, sending him flying into the wall of the gym.

Everyone was shocked, of what they just have seen, some were mouth drooped and some were eye widen, just couldn't believe their eyes.

"Guess I hit him too hard." Said Hiroki.

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