Chapter 6: The Phoenix Blade.

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The night was cool, and the wind was calm and steady, everyone was in their room sleeping peacefully excepted for Ena, who bee having a nightmare, she kept twisting and turning in her sleep, sweating, she then jumped up with a small but loud scream, loud enough to wake her roommate  Sora Takako, a beautiful female with mint tall blue hair, which was messy, and mint blue eyes, she quickly turn on the light in her room, and reached for a bat she slept with in case someone tries to sneak in on her, especially perverted boys. She looked around holding her guard up. only to see that Ena was only having a nightmare.

"Oh Ena are you OK?"  she asked curiously.

"Yeah I'm fine I was just having a bad dream that's all...Sorry if I scared you."

"It's OK,  we all had our fair share of nightmares..." Sora went back in her bed placing her bat under the sheet beside her once more, "Just try to get some rest OK."

"Yeah" answered Ena, before Sora turned the lights off.

As morning came, Hiroki and his team set out on a quest to find some sword that was stolen from a museum.

"So this sword, is called the Key!, why is it so important, I never heard about it before I even researched on it, I got nothing." Said Ciel.

"Well retrieving it in one peace will give us fifty thousand Yen each." Clarified Chie.

"FIFTY THOUSAND !!" Blurted Ciel.

"Yep." smiled Chie as she looked over at Hiroki who was playing chess with Mi.

The train made a loud screech followed by a stop, The team came out the train, and went straight to the museum, where the sword was stolen.

"The Silver City, the city of summoning magic."  Chirped Chie, looking around at all the vendors who were out selling stuffs.

"Sounds like your type of city eh? Chie." Said Hiroki.

"Yeah, I wonder if I can finally sign a contract with a Heroic class Creature." said Chie.

"Yeah lets find The Tatsu Museum." Interjected Ciel.

The team found the Museum it was not that hard to find, manly because it was the biggest Museum in the city, and it was destroyed very badly. The team went and spoke with the Museum owner Susumu  Tatsu.

"Good Day, we're Platoon 7, from Dragon Soul Academy."

"Dragon Soul Student's, I'm so glad you finally got here." Bubbled Susumu, he then fell to his knee and started to cry " They stole my Museum most prized possession The Key Sword."

"Come on even the internet doesn't know what the Key sword is?"

Susumu looked up at the kids, jumping up as he started to explain to the children "The Key sword, isn't just a regular sword, if you understand, it is also the Key to the the Phoenix Blade, the Phoenix blade is a powerful sword made from the war god Norio, it's flame is forever burning, impossible to put out. Norio used the sword for one  reason that was to defeat his Twin brother God of wisdom Nori, and killed him, after that Norio sealed the word away and created a key the only key to ever find the sword back."

"Which is The Key Sword."

"Exactly!...So whoever stole the sword must have heard of the Legend the Phoenix blade is said to be violently powerful, you kids must stop the thieves before they get there, hand on the Phoenix Blade , the blessing of this is they need another artifact before they can acquire the Phoenix Blade, they must find the golden two headed coin." Informed Susumu.

"So how the heck where gonna find the Thieves ?!" Asked Ciel.

"Well all my artifacts has a tracker on it." Susumu reached in his pocket and took out a black radar with a blinking red dot on it, and a blue arrow. "Use this and find the thieves before it's too late."

Chie took the radar "Thank you mister Tatsu." Thanked Chie.

"No thank you."

The team leaved out on search to find the Thieves and retrieve The Key Sword.

The team left as Chie was upset because she wanted to test her luck and try get a Heroic class Creature, They used the radar that lead them to unknown deserted area, fill with nothing but sand.

Everyone was getting weary and tired, except for Hiroki who kept walking with his hands in his pocket, and Mi who sat calmly eating a cookie on Hiroki's shoulder.

"Hiroki!...Can't we rest for a little?"Wearily asked Chie.

Hiroki looked behind him notice that Chie and Ciel was on the floor exhausted.

"OH!..Come on I see a large building up ahead, and it seems the thieves finally settled close by it." Said Hiroki calmly.

Chie got up off the floor, followed by Ciel "Hope they are cause I feel like turning back and head back to school." said Chie.

They walked off, as they walked a sand storm was approaching, they quickly made their way to shelter in a cave whom they surprisingly bumped into  Kosuke and her team.

"Look who we got here." Said Vash, who was leaning against the wall of the cave.


"Hello there Hiroki" Smiled Kosuke as she approach closer towards Hiroki "What you guys doing here?"

"That's the same question I want to ask you?" Grumbled Chie.

"Well we were hunting down some thieves, that lead us to here." Answered Kosuke.

"Well we were doing the same thing." Divulged Hiroki, showing Kosuke the radar.

"Guess we're hunting the same guys." Smiled Kosuke.

"Y-Yeah" Stuttered Hiroki.

"Well we are here now so you two can go." Said Ciel.

"we were here first, and you guys aren't even qualified to do S1 rank missions." Argued Vash.

"have you forgotten that our team member kicked your ass!" Retaliated Chie.

"OK YOU THREE THAT'S ENOUGH!" Both Hiroki and Kosuke Snapped.

"We're doing this together." Stated Hiroki.

"Yeah we don't know who these guys were going up against, they might even stronger than we take them for." Added Kosuke.

"Fine whatever." Vash, Chie and Ciel all said.

Mi chuckled at them as she munch on a cookie, The two team exchange what they knew and tried to create a solid plan, as the storm settled down, the merged team all went to invade the mysterious skyscraper high building, entering wasn't a major problem, but as they enter they found them self with three different path ways.

"What now?" Asked Ciel.

"Ques we split up." Hiroki said walking off with Mi sitting on his shoulder, heading to the pathway in the middle.

"I guess Vash you go with Ciel, I'll go with Chie."

"WHAT! no way" Disagreed Vash.

Kosuke gave Vash an angered look, as Vash sighed, walking off "Lets go computer brain."

The newly merged team all split up in groups of two taking their own pathway. 

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