Chapter 16. You're joking, right?

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~Zack's (Agent 3's) pov~

"No!! No!!! NO!!!" I shouted at Marie. Oh hell nuh, I'm not kissing Izzy because then she'll know about reality and lose her innocence. Even though I kissed her forehead that was only because she was crying and because I wanted to see her smile again.

   "3 it's the only way! I don't have the items that I made the cure with! There really rare to find and I don't want to go travel across the world to get it!! And I think you have better things to do then watch DJ Octavio!" Marie explained. I just rolled my eyes as I "believed" her.

  "Fine!! But we will never speak of this again!!" I told her. I grabbed Izzy as she had her aggressive face one. I slowly turned blue and put my lips gently on hers.

~Izzy's (Agent 8) pov~

My head felt really dizzy but as I opened my eyes Zack-Chan was kissing me? Well maybe this was a proper kiss? But then my cheeks became really warm and my heart was racing like I ran around the whole world.

   "I'm so sorry!!!" Zack-Chan pulled away, and covered his face. My heart stopped racing the second he moved away. Weird....and my pink fuzzy stuff was gone!

     "I-It's Fine Zack-Chan! I-I feel better! But d-dizzy!" I stuttered. This seems like a weird day....

  "L-Let's just go...." Zack-Chan grabbed my hand and we left Octo Cayon. As we walked, my heart was racing as he grabbed my hand, why am I so warm? I thought of the word crush but I have no idea what is was!

    "W-Were here..." Zack-Chan opened the door to the apartment and I flopped onto the bed.

  "I-It feels so good to be my normal self!" I tilde him. He just nodded his head as he grabbed cloths. Zack-Chan was acting really weird around me and we had the blue fuzzy stuff still on his face.

    "I hope I didn't do anything wrong...." I muttered to myself. I waited as I had that "kiss" on my mind still. Why I'm I so warm? I looked to see Zack-Chan dressed and I tried to hug him but he turned away from embarrassment.

  "Zack-Chan? Zack-Chan? Zack-Chan?" I kept repeating his name as I tapped him. I started to get annoyed.

     "ZACK-SENPAI!!" I shouted at him, as my pink fuzzy stuff grew darker and spreaded across my face. He was so surprised I called him that he fell off the bed. I just giggled and I finally saw a smile on his face!

  "Zack-Chan I love your smile!" I said and jumped on him. He just hugged me back and laughed.

    "I'm sorry for me being a stubborn squid! We can do whatever you want today!" He laughed, I laughed with him as I was hugging. I'm just happy he isn't mad or anything.

~hours later~

Zack-Chan was on his phone as I sat on his lap nuzzling my face into his neck, I was so warm inside that I might of needed fan to cool me off. 

  "You still don't know what you wanna do today?" Zack-Chan asked me again. I nodded my head as I was trying to think of something fun, but it was already 7 P.M. I thought for a moment....I got it!! That work came in my head and I looked at Zack-Chan.

    "I know what I want to do!!" I exclaimed to him. He turned his phone off and looked at him and smiled.

  "Well What is it?!" He asked with joy. I was so happy to see him smile.

 "Let's go on a date!!"

Sorry for the hold up QwQ I got my phone taken away but luckily no one found out I was on Wattpad on safari! And this book is going to be longer than I expected! You all are in for a treat UwU

Agent 3 X Agent 8 Innocent LoveWhere stories live. Discover now