As he explained his past self I couldn't help but be surprised. By the way he describes his younger self, it seems like a completely different person than who he is now. Another personality of his that I had yet to unfold.

"He did most of the talking. He wouldn't shut up actually."he let out a little chuckle and I looked at him. His eyes seemed to light up as he talked about Colin. I wondered if his eyes did the same thing when he talked about me.

"I got annoyed, to be honest. I was taking a lot of good pictures and he hadn't even taken any at all. He just talked and talked and talked. I couldn't wait to get back and never talk to him again.

"But after that, he wouldn't leave me alone. Even when I expressed how annoyed I was by him, he never left my side.

"Even after the camp he found a way to track me down and talk my ear off. I thought he was a stalker but he told me he'd seen me around before camp and was always interested in me. I though it was weird. How can someone be interested in me if I never talked to them?

"But anyway, I decided to actually try and be his friend. At first he did most of the talking but, little by little, I talked more and more. Before I knew it, I was becoming more confident in myself. Because of him. He helped me become who I am today.

"One day, we were just hanging out at the park in the middle of the night. Whatever we were talking about was not important at all. The only thing that was important to the both of us was that we were together. He made me happy. He was the only person, besides my dad, who ever managed to do that.

"Then he grabbed my face and kissed me. I was so confused, I had never been kissed by anyone before. I realized that I liked it so I kissed him back."

My mind went spiraling. He just confirmed so easily that he's gay. To me. He's actually gay. A gay man kissed me on the cheek.

Does that mean he likes me?

I pushed all the thoughts out of my head and focused on him. This isn't about me, it's about him. I need to focus on him.

"Then he was my boyfriend. We had grown accustomed to each other. I loved him so much. He was my whole world, my entire universe. He was my everything. Everyday I woke up and thought of him. Every night I went to sleep thinking of him, dreaming of him. I had forgotten what my life was life before Colin."

I heard his voice shifting from happy to sad. I looked over at him and saw that he was on the verge of crying. I took his hand that was at his side and held it, encouraging him to continue.

"One day he was driving us to the theatre to watch a movie, of course. What else would you do at a theatre?"

Sam let out a stiff laugh.

"Anyway, we were just talking and laughing, like usual when one of those Uhaul trucks or whatever rammed right into his side of his car. I felt his hand go limp. I tried feeling for a pulse but there was none to be felt. The impact was so hard he- he died. Right on the spot."he choked out the last part.

I turned to look at him, to see the pain that was inevitably on his face. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He took his hand from mine and tried wiping them away, furiously but he couldn't. They were coming down too strong.

I was so shocked to hear him say that. He had loved that man so much, I couldn't even fathom it. It's so cruel that someone who meant everything to him got taken away from him at a much too young age. He shouldn't have to go through that when he was barely a teenager. No one, in fact, should ever have to go through that. It must've been the most painful thing imaginable.

"He made it for me."he could barely even say that simple sentence without hiccuping and stuttering like crazy.

"Come here."I ordered him to do as I sat up. He, weakly, did the same as me.

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